How to Center Windows 10 Taskbar Icons Like Windows 11

2021年6月10日—Ifyouwanttodothis,rightclickonthetaskbarhoverovertoolbars,clicklinks.Pulltherightpart(Therewillbelinkswrittenthere) ...,2022年4月26日—NowthatyouhavetheWindows10taskbariconsontherightside,clickthetwoverticallinesontheleftsideofthefir...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Didn't know you could center the taskbar icons in windows ...

2021年6月10日 — If you want to do this, right click on the taskbar hover over toolbars, click links. Pull the right part (There will be links written there) ...

How To Center the Start Menu and Taskbar on Windows 10

2022年4月26日 — Now that you have the Windows 10 taskbar icons on the right side, click the two vertical lines on the left side of the first icon, and drag your ...

How to Center Your Taskbar Icons in Windows 10

Follow simple steps to center your taskbar icons by right-clicking on the taskbar and opening Taskbar settings. If you want to further customize your taskbar, ...

How to Center Your Windows 10 Taskbar Icons (Like ...

2021年6月24日 — To center Windows 10's taskbar icons, first, right-click on your taskbar and deselect Lock the taskbar..

the icons on the task bar on the left are all poistioned ...

2023年5月17日 — Typically, in Windows 10, the taskbar icons are aligned to the left by default. ... Drag the vertical line next to the icons to move the icons to ...


2021年6月10日—Ifyouwanttodothis,rightclickonthetaskbarhoverovertoolbars,clicklinks.Pulltherightpart(Therewillbelinkswrittenthere) ...,2022年4月26日—NowthatyouhavetheWindows10taskbariconsontherightside,clickthetwoverticallinesontheleftsideofthefirsticon,anddragyour ...,Followsimplestepstocenteryourtaskbariconsbyright-clickingonthetaskbarandopeningTaskbarsettings.Ifyouwanttofurthercustomizeyourt...

RocketDock 1.3.5 - 超快速的仿 Mac 文件工具列

RocketDock 1.3.5 - 超快速的仿 Mac 文件工具列
