Windows 10 22H2

Tocheckforupdates,selectStart>Settings>WindowsUpdate,thenselectCheckforupdates.Ifupdatesareavailable,youcanchoosetoinstallthem.Check ...,Proceduretofollow·1.OpentheControlPanel·2.GotoSystemandSecurity/WindowsUpdate·3.ClickChangesettings·4.UnderIm...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Get the latest Windows update

To check for updates, select Start > Settings > Windows Update , then select Check for updates. If updates are available, you can choose to install them. Check ...

Changing Windows Update settings to Manual.

Procedure to follow · 1. Open the Control Panel · 2. Go to System and Security/Windows Update · 3. Click Change settings · 4. Under Important updates ...

How to download a Windows update manually

This article shows you how to manually download contain larger updates using the Microsoft Download Center.

4 Ways to Update Windows Manually

2023年1月13日 — You should always keep your Windows PC updated. Here's how to do it manually if you're unsure when it last updated automatically.

How to Manually Download and Install Windows Updates

To do this, go to and click the Update Now button.

How to Manually Download Windows Updates and Drivers ...

How to Manually Download Windows Updates and Drivers From Microsoft Updates. Windows Updates includes Feature, smaller, and critical updates, drivers, and more ...

Manual Check for Updates (Windows)

This webpage was created to provide easy step-by-step instructions to manually update Windows computers for personally owned/home Windows computers.

Is there a way to install Windows Update manually without ...

2022年12月16日 — Yes, there are several ways this can be done. One of them is to simply use the Media Creation tool. That should provide the option to update ...


Tocheckforupdates,selectStart>Settings>WindowsUpdate,thenselectCheckforupdates.Ifupdatesareavailable,youcanchoosetoinstallthem.Check ...,Proceduretofollow·1.OpentheControlPanel·2.GotoSystemandSecurity/WindowsUpdate·3.ClickChangesettings·4.UnderImportantupdates ...,ThisarticleshowsyouhowtomanuallydownloadcontainlargerupdatesusingtheMicrosoftDownloadCenter.,2023年1月13日—Youshouldalwayskee...