
WithWindowBlindsyoucancustomizeyoursystemfromtoptobottom,includingtoolbar,startmenu,windowskins,wallpapers,fontsandotherelements,ina ...,WindowBlindsletsyoucustomizedesktopinterfacethemescalledskinstopersonalizethelookandfeelofyourdesktop.Stylize...。參考影片的文章的如下:



With WindowBlinds you can customize your system from top to bottom, including toolbar, start menu, window skins, wallpapers, fonts and other elements, in a ...

WindowBlinds 11

WindowBlinds lets you customize desktop interface themes called skins to personalize the look and feel of your desktop. Stylize. Visual styles. Select a skin ...

WindowBlinds 8.0

WindowBlinds, 免費下載. WindowBlinds 8.0: 使用Windows XP 或Vista 使用視窗盲自訂外觀。WindowBlinds 是一個程式,使用戶能夠自定義Microsoft Windows 的圖形使用者 ...

WindowBlinds for Windows

WindowBlinds enables users to customize the Windows desktop interface with skins. Skinnable elements include the start panel, taskbar, window frames and control ...


WindowBlinds changes the look and feel of your Windows desktop by applying visual styles to your entire Windows environment. When a visual style is applied, ...

Windows Blinds (Windows)

WindowsBlinds is a free software package that allows users to customize the appearance of their Windows desktop. Not only will this application add a bit of ...

Windowsblind :

2017年4月3日 — Does someone know how to make Windowsblind work with WallpaperEngine? my wallpaper keeps interfering with Windowsblinds .Windows 7 x64.


使用Windows Blinds 你可以在显示属性中选择多种不同的视窗风格。而且你还可以下载超过1000 种不同的桌面风格,甚至很容易地使用SDK 开发程序包创建属于你自己的视窗。


WithWindowBlindsyoucancustomizeyoursystemfromtoptobottom,includingtoolbar,startmenu,windowskins,wallpapers,fontsandotherelements,ina ...,WindowBlindsletsyoucustomizedesktopinterfacethemescalledskinstopersonalizethelookandfeelofyourdesktop.Stylize.Visualstyles.Selectaskin ...,WindowBlinds,免費下載.WindowBlinds8.0:使用WindowsXP或Vista使用視窗盲自訂外觀。WindowBlinds是一個程式,使用戶能夠自定義Mic...