Whimsical Wireframes Tutorial

最上面工具箱類型,會隨不同選擇下方出現相關的工具。我們今天的練習都只會用到Wireframe工具箱,所以點選Wireframe。,2023年11月29日—Here'saquickstartguidetohelpyougetthemostoutofWhimsicalwireframes.EnteringandexitingthewireframemodeTherearethree ...,20...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Day7. 使用Whimsical 繪製低精度Wireframe

最上面工具箱類型,會隨不同選擇下方出現相關的工具。我們今天的練習都只會用到Wireframe 工具箱,所以點選Wireframe。

Getting started with wireframes

2023年11月29日 — Here's a quick start guide to help you get the most out of Whimsical wireframes. Entering and exiting the wireframe mode There are three ...

How to Create a Wireframe with Whimsical

2023年3月23日 — Steps to Create a Wireframe with Whimsical Wireframes Alternatives. Step 1: Create a new project and assign a name. Select the device type and ...


Whimsical's wireframe device frames allow you to easily work across device widths at the same visual scale, so that you can focus on how interface and content ...


Whimsical's low-fidelity wireframes help teams align on functionality faster with easy drag-and-drop components that everyone can use.

Mobile Wireframes

Have an idea for an app, website, or marketing email? Use this lo-fi wireframe template to quickly explain exactly how a user will move through it.

Responsive Web App Wireframes

Get started designing an app at different device widths using Whimsical's pre-built device frames and wireframe elements.


Visualize your best ideas with low-fidelity wireframes featuring drag-and-drop components anyone can use.


最上面工具箱類型,會隨不同選擇下方出現相關的工具。我們今天的練習都只會用到Wireframe工具箱,所以點選Wireframe。,2023年11月29日—Here'saquickstartguidetohelpyougetthemostoutofWhimsicalwireframes.EnteringandexitingthewireframemodeTherearethree ...,2023年3月23日—StepstoCreateaWireframewithWhimsicalWireframesAlternatives.Step1:Createanewprojectandassignaname.Selectthedevicetypeand ...,Whimsical'swir...