2021年11月5日 — we use XCopy command to create a batch (~.bat) file. It seems that XCopy works either with filter on date (/D: mm-dd-yyyy) or filter on file ...
2015年9月29日 — Does anyone know how to get the current date in batch and properly format it within the below command? xcopy /d [:MM-DD-YYYY]. date · batch-file.
2011年7月8日 — If you do not include a mm-dd-yyyy value, xcopy copies all Source files that are newer than existing Destination files. This command-line option ...
2023年7月7日 — Use the command with /d option and a specific date, in MM-DD-YYYY format, to copy files changed on or after that date. ... Xcopy Backup Script.
2015年1月19日 — Xcopy D:-Test C:-Test /d:%DATE:~4%. EDIT: The above will only work if your locale is set to display dates in the form of MM/DD/YYYY An ...