How To Group your Subscriptions into Collections

YouTubeSubscriptionGroupsaddressesdisorganizationandredundantsubscriptions,offeringusersafeaturetocategorizeandeasilyaccesstheirsubscribed ...,OrganizingyourYouTubesubscriptionscanhelpyoustreamlineyourcontentconsumptionandtransformascatteredplayl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


A Case Study — YouTube Subscription Groups

YouTube Subscription Groups addresses disorganization and redundant subscriptions, offering users a feature to categorize and easily access their subscribed ...

How to Organize Your YouTube Subscriptions

Organizing your YouTube subscriptions can help you streamline your content consumption and transform a scattered playlist into a neatly curated selection.

How To Organize Youtube Subscriptions Into Collection[Folder ...

PocketTube is the easiest way to manage all your YouTube subscriptions. Create groups and sort your subscriptions effortlessly, ...

I'm baffled that we still can't group subscriptions : ryoutube

YouTube will be celebrating its 20th birthday next year, and we still aren't able to categorize subscriptions.


The best extension to group Youtube subscriptions. Make Youtube folders and sort Youtube channels.


Use AI tags or create custom groups for your subscriptions · Watch your personal feed with your videos by group or tag · Use different filters by video length, ...

PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager

This is an easy way to manage your subscriptions. This extension enables you to create groups / sub-groups with subscriptions based on topic.

PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager

Group YouTube subscriptions into YouTube folder. Video Deck for Youtube. Mark as watched videos. Filter YouTube video. Youtube mode.

Too Many Videos

PocketTube allows you to organize videos by custom tags or categories, filter results by video length, and manage subscriptions by bulk.

Why doesn't YouTube allow subscriptions to be grouped into folders.

I used to use a third party extension to group all my YouTube subs. Had all my cooking channels in one, animators in one, Gaming, etc.


YouTubeSubscriptionGroupsaddressesdisorganizationandredundantsubscriptions,offeringusersafeaturetocategorizeandeasilyaccesstheirsubscribed ...,OrganizingyourYouTubesubscriptionscanhelpyoustreamlineyourcontentconsumptionandtransformascatteredplaylistintoaneatlycuratedselection.,PocketTubeistheeasiestwaytomanageallyourYouTubesubscriptions.Creategroupsandsortyoursubscriptionseffortlessly, ...,You...

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