SpeedUp Music

...Youtubeplaybackspeedincreaseordecreaseisjustamouseclickorkeyboardbuttonaway.GetmoreoutofYoutubeandcontrolspeedofyoutubevideoeasily ...,Theultimategame-changerforallYouTubeenthusiasts.Whywaitforadstoendwhentheycanbeautomaticallyfast-forwardedup...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Youtube Playback Speed Control

... Youtube playback speed increase or decrease is just a mouse click or keyboard button away. Get more out of Youtube and control speed of youtube video easily ...

Ad Speedup - Skip Video Ads 16X Faster

The ultimate game-changer for all YouTube enthusiasts. Why wait for ads to end when they can be automatically fast-forwarded up to 16X? What's New - Now SpeedUp ...

Ad Speedup - Skip Video Ads 16X Faster

The ultimate game-changer for all YouTube enthusiasts. Why wait for ads to end when they can be automatically fast-forwarded up to 16X? What's New - Now SpeedUp ...

Speed up or slow down YouTube videos

Go to a video. Hover over the player and click Settings . Click Speed. Select the speed at which you'd like the video to play. To fast forward:.

「Ad Speedup」以16 倍速度快速播放YouTube 廣告

2023年11月30日 — 如果你是用電腦,那這篇要推薦另一個更好的擴充功能「Ad Speedup」,它不是阻擋YouTube 廣告,而是加速播放,以16 倍的速度加速,因此廣告會在一瞬間就 ...

16 倍速播放YouTube 廣告Chrome 擴充Ad Speedup 免費下載

2023年11月28日 — Ad Speedup 的主要功用是以16 倍速播放YouTube 的廣告,減少浪費用戶的時間。此外,Ad Speedup 還容許用戶選擇將廣告內容靜音,亦有自動點擊「Skip」跳過 ...

免費Chrome擴充「Ad Speedup」現已上架,加速YouTube ...

2023年11月27日 — Ad Speedup的主要功能是以16倍速播放YouTube廣告,減少用戶浪費的時間。此外,Ad Speedup還允許用戶選擇將廣告內容靜音,並提供自動點擊「Skip」跳過的 ...

「Ad Speedup」以16 倍速度快速播放YouTube 廣告,讓你 ...

2023年11月30日 — 如果你是用電腦,那這篇要推薦另一個更好的擴充功能「Ad Speedup」,它不是阻擋YouTube 廣告,而是加速播放,以16 倍的速度加速,因此廣告會在一瞬間就 ...


...Youtubeplaybackspeedincreaseordecreaseisjustamouseclickorkeyboardbuttonaway.GetmoreoutofYoutubeandcontrolspeedofyoutubevideoeasily ...,Theultimategame-changerforallYouTubeenthusiasts.Whywaitforadstoendwhentheycanbeautomaticallyfast-forwardedupto16X?What'sNew-NowSpeedUp ...,Theultimategame-changerforallYouTubeenthusiasts.Whywaitforadstoendwhentheycanbeautomaticallyfast-forwardedupto16X?What'...
