
zhuyin·FUJIEI富吉中文電腦鍵盤專用貼紙透明底不反光淺色鍵盤專用(·ZIYA智雅科技AppleiMacMagic2代藍芽鍵盤保護膜環保矽膠·Apple蘋果MacBookPro13吋/16吋 ...,AddzhuyinfuhaonexttoChinesecharacters.UsethishandyextensiontoreadChinesewebsiteswithbopomofo!,Bopo...

Bopomofo What Is It & How Do I Use It

BopomofoZhuyininputusedasalearningaidforChinesecharacters.UnlikeMainlandChina,Taiwanusesbopomofototeachyoungchildren ...

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zhuyin · FUJIEI 富吉中文電腦鍵盤專用貼紙透明底不反光淺色鍵盤專用( · ZIYA 智雅科技Apple iMac Magic 2代藍芽鍵盤保護膜環保矽膠 · Apple 蘋果MacBook Pro 13吋/16吋 ...


Add zhuyin fuhao next to Chinese characters. Use this handy extension to read Chinese websites with bopomofo!


Bopomofo, also called Zhuyin Fuhao or simply Zhuyin, is a transliteration system for Standard Chinese and other Sinitic languages.

Bopomofo What Is It & How Do I Use It

Bopomofo Zhuyin input used as a learning aid for Chinese characters. Unlike Mainland China, Taiwan uses bopomofo to teach young children ...


Zhuyin Fuhao, often shortened as zhuyin and commonly called bopomofo, is a type of sound-based writing for the Chinese language. In Chinese, bo, po, ...

The Ultimate Guide to Zhuyin (Bopomofo) And How to Learn It

Zhuyin is a system of phonetic symbols that represent all possible sounds in Mandarin. The government of the Republic of China introduced zhuyin in 1910.

Learn zhuyin

Zhuyin or Bopomofo is a system for writing out Chinese phonetically using symbols inspired by fragments of Chinese characters. For example: ...

【Zhuyin】頂級75L折疊收納手推車可平拉爬梯款(手推車買菜車菜籃 ...

評分 4.0 (4) · $1,770.00 · 供應中 Zhuyin 頂級75L折疊收納手推車可平拉爬梯款(手推車買菜車菜籃車收納箱置物車). $1,770. 限時折後價. 總銷量>50. $2,299起. 促銷價. $3,999起.

【Zhuyin】加大加寬護腰坐墊防駝腰靠墊X2入組(花瓣型骨盆 ...

評分 4.7 (61) · $1,299.00 · 供應中 推薦【Zhuyin】加大加寬護腰坐墊防駝腰靠墊X2入組(花瓣型骨盆枕/護腰坐墊/美臀坐墊/椅墊), 包覆設計,穩固坐姿,上班族,學生,久坐必備!,背腰臀三位一體,分散壓力momo購物 ...


輕鬆矯正華語發音、增強聽力! The easiest way to improve your Mandarin pronunciation and listening! 學生/登入 教師/登入. 跨國銜轉教育學生華語數位平台帳號申請: ...


zhuyin·FUJIEI富吉中文電腦鍵盤專用貼紙透明底不反光淺色鍵盤專用(·ZIYA智雅科技AppleiMacMagic2代藍芽鍵盤保護膜環保矽膠·Apple蘋果MacBookPro13吋/16吋 ...,AddzhuyinfuhaonexttoChinesecharacters.UsethishandyextensiontoreadChinesewebsiteswithbopomofo!,Bopomofo,alsocalledZhuyinFuhaoorsimplyZhuyin,isatransliterationsystemforStandardChineseandotherSiniticlanguages.,BopomofoZhuyininputusedasalearningaidforC...