EducationalgamesforgradesPreKthrough6thatwillkeepkidsengagedandhavingfun.Topicsincludemath,reading,typing,just-for-funlogicgames…and ...AboutABCya·ABCyaPRODUCTOFFERINGS·Games·Grade4,EducationalgamesforgradesPreKthrough6thatwillkeepkidsengagedandh...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ABCya! • Learning Games and Apps for Kids

Educational games for grades PreK through 6 that will keep kids engaged and having fun. Topics include math, reading, typing, just-for-fun logic games… and ... About ABCya · ABCya PRODUCT OFFERINGS · Games · Grade 4


Educational games for grades PreK through 6 that will keep kids engaged and having fun. Topics include math, reading, typing, just-for-fun logic games… and ... ABCya! Paint · Gravity Run · Math Games · Alan's Pizzeria

Second Grade Learning Games, Ages 7 - 8

ABCya's games for students in grade 2 are designed to help second graders practice writing, reading, and problem-solving in a fun and interactive way. Alarmy 2 · Break the Bank - Sorting · Adventure Man - Months of the... · Robot Islan

First Grade Learning Games, Ages 6 - 7

Kids LOVE our free online games! Fly dragons, build dream houses, and explore while practicing addition, reading, and more 1st grade skills. Play now! Comparing Number Values · Balloon Pop Subtraction · SymmeTree - Symmetry

Third Grade Learning Games, Ages 8 - 9

Kids LOVE our free online games! Go on quests, bake sweet treats, and explore while practicing fractions, parts of speech, and more 3rd grade skills.

Kindergarten Learning Games, Ages 5 - 6

ABCya's kindergarten games are designed to help kindergartners practice alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, counting, volume and measurement ... Base Ten BINGO · Comparing Number Values Jr. · Molly Adds Up to 10

Fourth Grade Learning Games, Ages 9 - 10

ABCya's games for students in grade 4 are designed to help fourth graders practice more complex grammar, reading comprehension, and mathematical reasoning. Slimezilla vs. the Compound... · Prehistoric Puzzle · Hydro Logic · Payment Ter

Sixth Grade and Up Learning Games, Ages 11+

ABCya's games for students in grades 6+ are designed to help students in sixth grade and above practice advanced literacy and numeracy skills. 2048 · Detective X and the Missing... · Blue Box · Math Man

Fifth Grade Learning Games, Ages 10 - 11

ABCya's games for students in grade 5 are designed to help fifth graders build confidence and proficiency in mathematical and literacy skills.

EducationalgamesforgradesPreKthrough6thatwillkeepkidsengagedandhavingfun.Topicsincludemath,reading,typing,just-for-funlogicgames…and ...AboutABCya·ABCyaPRODUCTOFFERINGS·Games·Grade4,EducationalgamesforgradesPreKthrough6thatwillkeepkidsengagedandhavingfun.Topicsincludemath,reading,typing,just-for-funlogicgames…and ...ABCya!Paint·GravityRun·MathGames·Alan'sPizzeria,ABCya'sgamesforstudentsingrade...