
Acronis Mobile

Acronis Mobile allows you to back up your data to Acronis Cloud or to local storage on your computer, and then recover it in case of loss or corruption.

Acronis Mobile

With the new Acronis Mobile app, you can back up photos, videos and contacts from your smartphone or tablet, and restore them all quickly, easily and reliably.

troubleshooting mobile backup

2024年7月16日 — If you have downloaded Acronis Backup, you need to delete this app and download Acronis True Image mobile app instead. Acronis Backup is the app ...

Acronis Mobile Phone Backup Software for Android and iOS

Acronis True Image supports different operating systems so you can easily back up your Android and iOS devices. How do I back up my Android phone?


2018年5月28日 — 本文說明如何備份行動裝置資料到電腦、NAS或Acronis Cloud上(此說明以Android手機為例)。 Step1:在Android手機請掃描此QR CODE 進入Google Play商店,安裝 ...

Leading Mobile Backup Solution for iOS and Android

Acronis Cyber Protect makes it easy to protect your corporate iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices with enhanced backup validation and blockchain-based ...

Acronis True Image 2019 Mobile Backup Testing Guide

Start the mobile app on your device and choose Backup to computer. Page 2. 2. Click “I already have it” since you have Acronis True Image desktop application ...


AcronisMobileallowsyoutobackupyourdatatoAcronisCloudortolocalstorageonyourcomputer,andthenrecoveritincaseoflossorcorruption.,WiththenewAcronisMobileapp,youcanbackupphotos,videosandcontactsfromyoursmartphoneortablet,andrestorethemallquickly,easilyandreliably.,2024年7月16日—IfyouhavedownloadedAcronisBackup,youneedtodeletethisappanddownloadAcronisTrueImagemobileappinstead.AcronisBackupistheapp .....