


ACROPHOBIA的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. fear of heights 2. fear of heights 。了解更多。


3 天前 · ACROPHOBIA翻譯:恐高症,懼高症,畏高症。了解更多。


Acrophobia, also known as hypsophobia, is an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up.

Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

Acrophobia is an anxiety disorder that involves intense fear of heights. It is often treatable with exposure therapy or virtual reality exposure therapy.


Acrophobia, intense fear of heights. Persons affected by acrophobia are intensely fearful and anxious when high off the ground, ...

Acrophobia, or Fear of Heights

The main symptom of acrophobia is an intense fear of heights marked by panic and anxiety. For some people, extreme heights triggers this fear.

ACROPHOBIA Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of ACROPHOBIA is abnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights.

Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

Acrophobia causes people to feel extremely fearful and anxious about situations that involve being far off the ground, such as climbing a ladder ...

acrophobia - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典

acrophobia 編輯 · 語言 · 監視 · 編輯. 英語. 編輯. 發音. 編輯. 韻部:-əʊbiə. 恐高症.