
AddToAny Share Buttons

評分 4.7 (1,100) · 免費 Description. The AddToAny Share Buttons plugin for WordPress increases traffic & engagement by helping people share your posts and pages to any service.

AddToAny Share Buttons

評分 4.7 (1,100) · 免費 為WordPress 網站新增將內容分享至包含AddToAny、Facebook、Mastodon、WhatsApp、Pinterest、Reddit、Threads 等服務的分享按鈕及跟隨圖示。

AddToAny Share Buttons 外掛程式

AddToAny Share Buttons ... 為WordPress 網站新增將內容分享至包含AddToAny、Facebook、Mastodon、WhatsApp、Pinterest、Reddit、Threads 等服務的分享按鈕 ...

AddToAny: Share Anywhere

Overview. Share to Facebook, Mastodon, email, and any other sharing or saving service quickly and easily with one share button.

AddToAny: Share Anywhere

The AddToAny share button makes it easy and fast to share and save links using any service. New: - Share to Threads https://www.addtoany.com ...


AddToAny gets people to the right destination to share or save your content, whether it's in a native app or on the web. AddToAny Bookmarklet · AddToAny Blog · Get the Share Buttons · Buttons FAQ

BlockingCollection<T>.AddToAny 方法

AddToAny(BlockingCollection<T>[], T, CancellationToken). 將指定的項目加入至任何一個指定的BlockingCollection<T> 執行個體。 AddToAny(BlockingCollection<T>[], T).

Share Buttons

Get share buttons for sharing to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, email, SMS, and any other sharing and social media app. Official share plugins are available ...

分享按鈕AddToAny Share Buttons 部落格文章必備

AddToAny 分享按鈕是什麼? AddToAny 是一款可免費下載的「社群分享按鈕」,同時也是WordPress 最受歡迎的分享外掛! ... 這個免費的外掛部件是可以依照個人 ...

簡單輕量的社群分享外掛Addtoany Share Buttons

管是文章或是頁面,甚至產品等等,在發布後會希望訪客能夠快速分享該頁面到社群,這邊有很多種外掛,今天介紹一個我常使用的「AddToAny Share Buttons」算是我用過裡面比較 ...

