Aliens vs. Predator

ReallyGREATDVDmadeanEXCELLENTCHRISTMASGIFT.PersonthatreceiveditlovestowatchPredatorfight.CastIncludes:Cast(Castoverview,firstbilled ...,ThecreatureisanAlien/Predatorhybrid,calledthePredalieninthegame,andtheplayercontrolsitandsearchesforfooduntili...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Alien Vs. Predator 2: Requiem

Really GREAT DVD made an EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT. Person that received it loves to watch Predator fight. Cast Includes: Cast (Cast overview, first billed ...

Aliens Versus Predator 2

The creature is an Alien/Predator hybrid, called the Predalien in the game, and the player controls it and searches for food until it grows into an adult. The ...

Aliens Versus Predator 2: Gold Edition

Aliens vs. Predator 2: Hailed as 2001's Action Game of the Year and Multiplayer Game of the Year by Computer Gaming World, AVP2 weaves together the face ...

Aliens vs. Predator

The film was panned by critics for its poor lighting, editing, and lack of originality. ... It grossed $130.2 million worldwide against a production budget of $40 ...

Aliens vs. Predator

Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem | Xenopedia

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, often shortened to AVP:R or AVP-R, is a 2007 science fiction film directed by the Brothers Strause and starring Steven ...


ReallyGREATDVDmadeanEXCELLENTCHRISTMASGIFT.PersonthatreceiveditlovestowatchPredatorfight.CastIncludes:Cast(Castoverview,firstbilled ...,ThecreatureisanAlien/Predatorhybrid,calledthePredalieninthegame,andtheplayercontrolsitandsearchesforfooduntilitgrowsintoanadult.The ...,Aliensvs.Predator2:Hailedas2001'sActionGameoftheYearandMultiplayerGameoftheYearbyComputerGamingWorld,AVP2weavestogetherthefa...