AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004) Official Trailer #1

Alienvs.PredatorisasciencefictionactionandhorrormediafranchisecreatedbycomicbookwritersRandyStradleyandChrisWarner.Theseriesisa ...,DuringanarchaeologicalexpeditiononBouvetøyaIslandinAntarctica,ateamofarchaeologistsandotherscientistsfindthemselve...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Alien vs. Predator

Alien vs. Predator is a science fiction action and horror media franchise created by comic book writers Randy Stradley and Chris Warner. The series is a ...

Alien vs. Predator (2004)

During an archaeological expedition on Bouvetøya Island in Antarctica, a team of archaeologists and other scientists find themselves caught up in a battle ...

Alien vs. Predator (film)

Alien vs. Predator is a 2004 science fiction action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, and starring Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, ...

Alien vs. Predator (film) - Xenopedia

Set in 2004, Alien vs. Predator follows a group of paleontologists, archaeologists and others assembled by billionaire Charles Bishop Weyland for an expedition ...

Aliens vs. Predator

Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.

Save 75% on Aliens vs. Predator™ on Steam

Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer ...

購買Aliens vs Predator

Aliens vs Predator. Experience a war like never before between two of sci-fi's most iconic characters.


Alienvs.PredatorisasciencefictionactionandhorrormediafranchisecreatedbycomicbookwritersRandyStradleyandChrisWarner.Theseriesisa ...,DuringanarchaeologicalexpeditiononBouvetøyaIslandinAntarctica,ateamofarchaeologistsandotherscientistsfindthemselvescaughtupinabattle ...,Alienvs.Predatorisa2004sciencefictionactionhorrorfilmwrittenanddirectedbyPaulW.S.Anderson,andstarringSanaaLathan,RaoulBova, ......