
Get Android app version name and version code

Get Android app version name and version code. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Get the Android app version programmatically

2022年9月4日 — To get the app version programmatically, we can use the following method.

How can you get the buildversion number of your Android ...

2011年1月6日 — I need to figure out how to get or make a build number for my Android application. I need the build number to display in the UI. Do I have to do ...

How To Find Out What Version of An Android App You're ...

2023年10月25日 — Now scroll down until you find the app you want to find the version for. Then tap it in the list. Once you are on the screen showing its details ...

How to Get the Build Version Number of an Android ...

2022年7月24日 — Navigate to app > res > layout > activity_main.xml and add the below code to it. Comments are added in the code to get to know in detail.

How to get the version number of android app?

2017年9月3日 — I have QT 5.8 QML application with the standard Android manifest containing the app version number that I edit in QtCreator.

Is BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME fine to use in Android app ...

2020年8月23日 — Hi, This is Correct way to get the Version_name, and by way you can also get version code also from same method, so this is correct, ...

Version your app

2023年4月12日 — To obtain version information, use the PackageManager.getPackageInfo(java.lang.String, int) method. Specify API level requirements. If your app ...


GetAndroidappversionnameandversioncode.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,2022年9月4日—Togettheappversionprogrammatically,wecanusethefollowingmethod.,2011年1月6日—IneedtofigureouthowtogetormakeabuildnumberformyAndroidapplication.IneedthebuildnumbertodisplayintheUI.DoIhavetodo ...,2023年10月25日—Nowscrolldownuntilyoufindtheappyouwanttofindtheversionfor.Thentapitinthelist.Onceyouar...