Rule-based Sandboxes and Application

Ifyourexecutableisnotlocatedinastandardplace(whereyoursystemexpectstofindbinaries),thenselinuxislikelytopreventexecution.,CreateSELinuxpoliciesthatisolatethosetasksfromunrelatedfunctions.Putthosepoliciesin*.tefiles(theextensionforSELinuxpolicy .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


SELinux blocks execution of native executable on Android

If your executable is not located in a standard place (where your system expects to find binaries), then selinux is likely to prevent execution.

Customize SELinux

Create SELinux policies that isolate those tasks from unrelated functions. Put those policies in *.te files (the extension for SELinux policy ...

Implement SELinux

To enable SELinux, integrate the latest Android kernel and then incorporate the files found in the system/sepolicy directory.

Android security part 3: Security-Enhanced Linux in Android

SELinux enhances Android security by confining privileged processes and automating security policy creation.

How process under android selinux context was labeled?

I'm trying to do the Android SElinux implementation, For the files, I could define file selinux security context with the flie_contexts file ...

privateapp.te - platformsystemsepolicy

# Prevent apps from causing presubmit failures. # Apps can cause selinux denials by accessing CE storage ... # App sandbox file accesses. allow { appdomain - ...

Android Customizing SePolicy

SELinux is the Security Enhanced Linux concept to enhance the Android Security and have the controlled access to the files.

Android SELinux Internals Part I

In Android SELinux internals Part 1 blog, explore how it provides security on Android devices and ways to bypass it. Read more to learn!

Understanding SELinux in Android AOSP

Let's dive into a real-world example, break down an AVC denial, and learn how to resolve SELinux policy issues to achieve the desired application behavior.

Base SELinux policy (extended by per-device repositories)

This directory contains the core Android SELinux policy configuration. It defines the domains and types for the AOSP services and apps common to all devices.


Ifyourexecutableisnotlocatedinastandardplace(whereyoursystemexpectstofindbinaries),thenselinuxislikelytopreventexecution.,CreateSELinuxpoliciesthatisolatethosetasksfromunrelatedfunctions.Putthosepoliciesin*.tefiles(theextensionforSELinuxpolicy ...,ToenableSELinux,integratethelatestAndroidkernelandthenincorporatethefilesfoundinthesystem/sepolicydirectory.,SELinuxenhancesAndroidsecuritybyconfini...