
Face detection guide | Google AI Edge

The MediaPipe Face Detector task lets you detect faces in an image or video. You can use this task to locate faces and facial features within a frame.

Face detection guide for Android | Google AI Edge

The MediaPipe Face Detector task lets you detect faces in an image or video. You can use this task to locate faces and facial features within a frame.

FaceDetector | API reference

... faces that can be detected. Public methods. int, findFaces(Bitmap bitmap, Face[] faces). Finds all the faces found in a given Bitmap . Protected methods. void ...

Detect faces with ML Kit on Android

You can use ML Kit to detect faces in images and video. This API is available using either an unbundled library that must be downloaded before use or a bundled ... Before you begin · Configure the face detector · Prepare the input image

Face detection | ML Kit

With ML Kit's face detection API, you can detect faces in an image, identify key facial features, and get the contours of detected faces.

Detect Faces with ML Kit on Android

See Detect faces with ML Kit on Android for the latest documentation. You can use ML Kit to detect faces in images and video.


Face Recognition: Identify and verify individuals by comparing their facial features. Liveness Detection: Determine whether a face is live or spoofed to prevent ...

Quick Look: Face detection on Android using ML Kit

ML Kit's face detection SDK allows you to detect faces in an image and provide information about landmarks or other features in the image.

computer vision - Face Detection Android

ML kit works on data. Your results will be more accurate as much as more data you will provide to your model.If its taking half covered ...

Android Face Detection

Android Face detection API tracks face in photos, videos using some landmarks like eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, and mouth.


TheMediaPipeFaceDetectortaskletsyoudetectfacesinanimageorvideo.Youcanusethistasktolocatefacesandfacialfeatureswithinaframe.,TheMediaPipeFaceDetectortaskletsyoudetectfacesinanimageorvideo.Youcanusethistasktolocatefacesandfacialfeatureswithinaframe.,...facesthatcanbedetected.Publicmethods.int,findFaces(Bitmapbitmap,Face[]faces).FindsallthefacesfoundinagivenBitmap.Protectedmethods.void ...,Youcan...