
Sample applications

These sample apps show how you can easily use the Cloud Vision label detection, landmark detection, and text recognition APIs from your mobile apps with ML Kit.

Custom view accessibility sample for Android TV

This guide steps through a sample showcasing some best practices to support accessibility with custom views in an Android TV app.


A selection of code samples and templates for you to use to accelerate your app development. Browse samples to learn how to build different components for your ...


The Mobile Vision API is deprecated and no longer maintained. It is now a part of ML Kit which includes all new on-device ML capabilities.

Samples - ML Kit

Demonstrates how to get started with all the Vision APIs: barcode scanning, face detection, text recognition, and pose detection.

Examples | Vision SDK | Android Docs

Working code examples of Mapbox Vision SDK for Android.

Android Vision API Samples

The Mobile Vision API is now a part of ML Kit. We strongly encourage you to try it out, as it comes with new capabilities like on-device image labeling!

ML Kit Vision Quickstart Sample Android App

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Custom Vision Android sample applications does not work.

I want to get Custom Vision Object Detection working on my Android device. First of all, I tried to get Object Detection to work with the following Azure ...

Reduce tracking window using google mlkit vision samples

I would like to reduce the reduce bar code tracking window when using the google vision api. There are some answers here but they feel a bit outdated.


ThesesampleappsshowhowyoucaneasilyusetheCloudVisionlabeldetection,landmarkdetection,andtextrecognitionAPIsfromyourmobileappswithMLKit.,ThisguidestepsthroughasampleshowcasingsomebestpracticestosupportaccessibilitywithcustomviewsinanAndroidTVapp.,Aselectionofcodesamplesandtemplatesforyoutousetoaccelerateyourappdevelopment.Browsesamplestolearnhowtobuilddifferentcomponentsforyour ...,TheMobileVisi...