???????????????? Angry Birds Rio. Walkthrough, longplay. PC, Windows.

2011年7月2日—AngryBirdsRio-一起去里約冒險·類型:街機和動作遊戲·費用:免費(廣告贊助)·測試版本:1.2.1·Android需求:1.6以上·大小:15MB·測試機型: ...,Anewgameoftheworld-famousAngryBirdsseries.Thistimeit'stheRioversion,inwhichyouhavetorescuetrapped...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Angry Birds Rio

2011年7月2日 — Angry Birds Rio - 一起去里約冒險 · 類型:街機和動作遊戲 · 費用:免費(廣告贊助) · 測試版本:1.2.1 · Android需求:1.6以上 · 大小:15MB · 測試機型: ...

Angry Birds Rio

A new game of the world-famous Angry Birds series. This time it's the Rio version, in which you have to rescue trapped b... Just play online, no download or ...

Download Angry Birds Rio 2.6.13 for Android

2013年6月2日 — Download the latest version of Angry Birds Rio for Android. Throw birds into the air... in Rio de Janeiro. Angry Birds Rio is the third and ...

Angry Birds Rio for Android

Angry Birds Rio is the third and final game of the series in which there is the original Angry Birds and the Seasons..

Angry Birds Rio

The game has all the original ingredients that make the angry birds games so much fun, it appealled as much to a 4 year old as it did to an adult GREAT GAME.


《憤怒鳥里約版》(英語:Angry Birds Rio,中國大陸譯作「憤怒的小鳥里約版」),是Rovio娛樂開發的一款休閒益智類遊戲,是憤怒鳥系列的第三款遊戲。改編自藍天工作室 ...

Angry Birds Rio 上架有免費試玩版

有別於以往的Angry Birds 系列,這次這群憤怒小鳥的死敵偷蛋豬並沒有在遊戲中出現,相反的這群小鳥要解救被關起來的同類、或是打敗叢林裡的猴子等等,好玩程度一樣不減, ...


2011年7月2日—AngryBirdsRio-一起去里約冒險·類型:街機和動作遊戲·費用:免費(廣告贊助)·測試版本:1.2.1·Android需求:1.6以上·大小:15MB·測試機型: ...,Anewgameoftheworld-famousAngryBirdsseries.Thistimeit'stheRioversion,inwhichyouhavetorescuetrappedb...Justplayonline,nodownloador ...,2013年6月2日—DownloadthelatestversionofAngryBirdsRioforAndroid.Throwbirdsintotheair...inRiodeJaneiro.AngryBirdsRio...