Apoptosis or Necrosis What type of cell death am I looking at

Evidenceindicatesthatnecrosisandapoptosisrepresentmorphologicexpressionsofasharedbiochemicalnetworkdescribedasthe“apoptosis-necrosiscontinuum” ...,Thegoalofthisreviewistoprovideageneraloverviewofthecurrentknowledgerelatingtothevariousformsofcelld...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Apoptosis: A Review of Programmed Cell Death

Evidence indicates that necrosis and apoptosis represent morphologic expressions of a shared biochemical network described as the “apoptosis-necrosis continuum” ...

Cell death

The goal of this review is to provide a general overview of the current knowledge relating to the various forms of cell death, including apoptosis, necrosis, ...

Diversity and complexity of cell death: a historical review

Apoptosis leads to cell fragmentation and removal by phagocytic cells, whereas necrosis resulted in cell membrane rupture and inflammation (Fig.

Necroptosis, pyroptosis and apoptosis

Here, we summarize the latest discoveries in the three most well understood modalities of cell death, namely, apoptosis, necroptosis, and pyroptosis.

[PDF] Cell Death. A review of the major forms of Apoptosis, Necrosis and ...

The goal of this review is to provide a general overview of the current knowledge relating to the various forms of cell death, including apoptosis, necrosis, ...

Death by design: apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy

In fact, recent evidence suggests that the initiation of apoptosis might actively suppress necrosis because activated caspases cleave and inactivate proteins ...

Crosstalk between apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy

Highlights. Apoptosis and necrosis are the two major modes of cell death. Apoptosis and necrosis were initially considered as mutually exclusive states.

Multiple cell death modalities and their key features (Review)

The present review article focuses on the key features of the diverse cell death modes and their assessment methods commonly utilized in research.


Evidenceindicatesthatnecrosisandapoptosisrepresentmorphologicexpressionsofasharedbiochemicalnetworkdescribedasthe“apoptosis-necrosiscontinuum” ...,Thegoalofthisreviewistoprovideageneraloverviewofthecurrentknowledgerelatingtothevariousformsofcelldeath,includingapoptosis,necrosis, ...,Apoptosisleadstocellfragmentationandremovalbyphagocyticcells,whereasnecrosisresultedincellmembraneruptureandinfl...