

Download Appandora 3.0.1. Effortlessly manage and transfer apps, media, and files between iOS devices and PC with this efficient iOS manager.


Appandora is an easy-to-use yet powerful iOS device manager, which is well-designed for users who want to manage media contents between iOS devices and PC. As ...

Top free Alternatives to Appandora for Windows

Find the best free programs like Appandora for Windows. More than 19 alternatives to choose: iTools, iPhoneBrowser, iFunBox and more.

Appandora 6.5.8 Free Download

With Appandora Software, you can download unlimited wallpapers, ringtones, youtube videos freely and play music directly from your iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android.

Download Appandora 2.1.0

Appandora is a free resources provider, which helps users download free and unlimited apps to iOS devices no matter it is jailbroken or not. It ...

Appandora 3.0 Download (Free)

Appandora is a free-to-use iOS and Android manager tool. Main features: - Free & unlimited app, wallpaper and ringtone resources.

Appandora 3.0.1

Appandora is a free resources provider, which helps users download free and unlimited apps to iOS devices no matter it is jailbroken or not.

Appandora for Windows

評分 4.7 (12) · 免費 · Windows · With Appandora Software, you can download unlimited wallpapers, ringtones, youtube videos freely and play music directly from your iPod, iPhone, ...


Anvsoftware.com focus on audio and video recording and converting software, as well as tools for audio and video editing. It provides a comprehensive ...


DownloadAppandora3.0.1.Effortlesslymanageandtransferapps,media,andfilesbetweeniOSdevicesandPCwiththisefficientiOSmanager.,Appandoraisaneasy-to-useyetpowerfuliOSdevicemanager,whichiswell-designedforuserswhowanttomanagemediacontentsbetweeniOSdevicesandPC.As ...,FindthebestfreeprogramslikeAppandoraforWindows.Morethan19alternativestochoose:iTools,iPhoneBrowser,iFunBoxandmore.,WithAppandoraSoftware...