Apple Event — September 7

OnOctober16,2014,ApplehostedaneventtitledIt'sbeenwaytoolong.NewproductannouncementsincludedtheiMacwitha5KRetinadisplay,iPadAir2, ...,AppleInc.hasannouncedmajornewandredesignedproductsandupgradesthroughpressconferences,whileminorupdatesoftenhappen...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Apple Special Events in 2014 | Apple Wiki

On October 16, 2014, Apple hosted an event titled It's been way too long. New product announcements included the iMac with a 5K Retina display, iPad Air 2, ...

List of Apple Inc. media events

Apple Inc. has announced major new and redesigned products and upgrades through press conferences, while minor updates often happen through press releases ...

Apple Events (video) on Apple Podcasts

The Apple Events podcast is home to the latest keynote addresses. Watch announcements of new products and services and browse the archive of past events to ...

WWDC14 Keynote Apple Events (video)

See Apple CEO Tim Cook and team unveil OS X Yosemite, iOS 8 with iCloud Photo Library, new Messages features, the new Health app, and more.

Everything Apple announced at its September 2014 keynote

2014年9月9日 — Everything Apple announced at its September 2014 keynote · iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus · Apple Pay · Apple Watch · Apple wraps up the event with a ...


OnOctober16,2014,ApplehostedaneventtitledIt'sbeenwaytoolong.NewproductannouncementsincludedtheiMacwitha5KRetinadisplay,iPadAir2, ...,AppleInc.hasannouncedmajornewandredesignedproductsandupgradesthroughpressconferences,whileminorupdatesoftenhappenthroughpressreleases ...,TheAppleEventspodcastishometothelatestkeynoteaddresses.Watchannouncementsofnewproductsandservicesandbrowsethearchiveofpasteve...