Assassin's Creed Rogue

刺客教條:叛變英文數位版(豪華版)(Assassin'sCreed®Rogue-DeluxeEdition);庫存狀況:等待2-3天;價格:NT810NT770;語言版本,英文數位版;遊戲類型,動作;發行 ...,ThedeluxeversionhasalltheDLC/timesaversavailableintheSteamstore.Thedeluxeversioncontainseverything...。參考影片的文章的如下:


刺客教條:叛變英文數位版(豪華版)(Assassin's Creed® Rogue

刺客教條:叛變英文數位版(豪華版)(Assassin's Creed® Rogue - Deluxe Edition) ; 庫存狀況: 等待2 - 3天 ; 價格: NT810 NT770 ; 語言版本, 英文數位版 ; 遊戲類型, 動作 ; 發行 ...

Is Deluxe Edition worth it? :

The deluxe version has all the DLC/timesavers available in the Steam store. The deluxe version contains everything AC Rogue available on Steam.

《刺客教條:叛變》 豪華版

供應中 · 豪華版 · 葛恩爵士護甲任務:探索北美洲,尋找葛恩爵士的遺物,並解開他留下的重大謎團。 · 紫貂堡圍城:這個額外的要塞突襲任務設定在仍有待人們探索的新世界北 ...

在Steam 購買Assassin's Creed® Rogue 即可省下70%

供應中 評分 4.5 (16,316) In addition to the full game, the Deluxe Edition comes packed with bonus in-game content including: 1. The Armor of Sir Gunn Quest: Explore North America to ...

刺客教條:叛變- 豪華版

18 世紀的北美,在七年戰爭所帶來的混亂和暴力當中,謝伊.派崔克.寇馬可,這名年輕無畏的刺客兄弟會成員,經歷了一場將永遠改變美國殖民地未來景象的黑暗轉變。

Assassin's Creed Rogue Deluxe Edition | PC Code

供應中 評分 4.0 (33) Includes the Time Savers Activities, Resources, Collectibles, and Technology Pack. Use each pack for yourself or share with a friend! New enemy tactics.

assassin's creed rogue DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION vs standard

the DLCs offer extra fetch quests with some new robes and weapons as rewards and a small new map without any missions. take the standard version ...

Content of Assassin's Creed: Rogue Editions

The main game, The Armor of Sir Gunn Quest, The Siege of Fort de Sable, The Master Templar Pack, The Explorer Pack, Four Time Savers Packs.

購買Assassin's Creed® Rogue Remastered

供應中 Also included: - Two bonus missions from the original deluxe edition - Two packs full of weapons, outfits and customisation items for your ship - The Bayek's ...


刺客教條:叛變英文數位版(豪華版)(Assassin'sCreed®Rogue-DeluxeEdition);庫存狀況:等待2-3天;價格:NT810NT770;語言版本,英文數位版;遊戲類型,動作;發行 ...,ThedeluxeversionhasalltheDLC/timesaversavailableintheSteamstore.ThedeluxeversioncontainseverythingACRogueavailableonSteam.,供應中·豪華版·葛恩爵士護甲任務:探索北美洲,尋找葛恩爵士的遺物,並解開他留下的重大謎團。·紫貂堡圍城:這個額外的要塞突襲任務設...