ASUS XG Station 2

TheOCStation,ahardwareoverclockingtoolandfancontrollerinone.ThislatestproductintheRepublicofGamers(RoG)rangeisonlycompatiblewiththe ...,評分5.0(7,850)·供應中Real-timeoverclocking,benchmarkingandvideocapturinginanyPCgame!DolbyTechnologyprovidescri...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Asus OC Station Review | bit

The OC Station, a hardware overclocking tool and fan controller in one. This latest product in the Republic of Gamers (RoG) range is only compatible with the ...


評分 5.0 (7,850) · 供應中 Real-time overclocking, benchmarking and video capturing in any PC game! Dolby Technology provides crisp and clear Audio: - Dolby Headphone. - Dolby Virtual ...

OC Station - Support

By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Upgrade Warranty: Here. * ...

[Gaming NB] ROG Boost顯卡超頻(O.C.)技術| 官方支援

ROG Boost顯卡超頻技術為搭載NVIDIA獨立顯卡的ROG機種所設計,透過Armoury Crate Turbo Mode及Manual Mode獨家技術提供顯卡頻率的調整,以達到瞬間性能的 ...

[狂]Asus ROG超頻好幫手Asus OC station | Page 2

遠看OC Station放在桌上,好像電子秤.. 有在華碩官網看過這東西,現在看到才了解!功能是如此強大! 不知道狂少一個人待在地下室會不會冷..;tongue; ...

[狂]Asus ROG超頻好幫手Asus OC station

今天狂少要跟大家介紹的是比較不一樣的Asus ROG超頻好幫手Asus OC station 官網介紹: 狂少 ...

ASUS ROG OC Station Overclocking hardware monitoring controller ...

供應中 Excellent product, exactly as described. Very fast delivery. And great communication. Will definitely buy from here again. Intel Xeon Phi ...

一按即超! 助你隨時超頻ASUS OC Station 外置超頻裝置

OC Station 前方設有LCD 顯示屏,當接駁好OC Station 後, LCD 會顯示出當前系統的狀態,包括Voltage 、 Frequency 、 Fan speed 、 Temperature 等等,猶如 ...

Asus Republic of Gamers OC Station control box

The Republic of Gamers OC Station is an intriguing motherboard accessory that works as a control centre for your mobo without any of that nasty Bios business.


TheOCStation,ahardwareoverclockingtoolandfancontrollerinone.ThislatestproductintheRepublicofGamers(RoG)rangeisonlycompatiblewiththe ...,評分5.0(7,850)·供應中Real-timeoverclocking,benchmarkingandvideocapturinginanyPCgame!DolbyTechnologyprovidescrispandclearAudio:-DolbyHeadphone.-DolbyVirtual ...,Byregisteringyourdevice,youcaneasilymanageyourproductwarranty,gettechnicalsupportandkeeptrackofyourr...