How To Reset ASUS Router To Factory Default Settings

ASUSRT-n18U重置(reset)·1.將路由器關機·2.長按WPS按鍵不放並開機·3.路由器上的電源燈號開啟(不要放開WPS按鍵)·4.當看到電源燈號開始閃爍時即可 ...,Turnofftherouter·PressandholdtheRESETbutton(onebetweentheWANandUSBports)·Turnontherouter·WaituntilthepowerL...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ASUS RT-n18U 重置(reset) - colin異世界

ASUS RT-n18U 重置(reset) · 1.將路由器關機 · 2.長按WPS按鍵不放並開機 · 3.路由器上的電源燈號開啟(不要放開WPS按鍵) · 4.當看到電源燈號開始閃爍時即可 ...

[OpenWrt Wiki] ASUS RT

Turn off the router · Press and hold the RESET button (one between the WAN and USB ports) · Turn on the router · Wait until the power LED begins to ...

How to Reset the Asus RT-N18U

Take the point of a sharp pencil or unwound paperclip and press and hold the reset button for around 10 seconds. Please keep in mind this reset ...

適用型號一) ASUS路由器強制重置恢復原廠預設值(Hard Factory Reset)

1.將路由器關機 · 2.長按WPS按鍵不放並開機 · 3.路由器上的電源燈號開啟(不要放開WPS按鍵) · 4.當看到電源燈號開始閃爍時即可放開WPS按鍵 · 5.電源燈號停止 ...

[Wireless Router] When Standard Reset Isn't Working

Hard Factory Reset could be an alternative solution when the standard reset procedure fails to restore your router to factory default.

[Wireless Router] ASUS router Hard Factory Reset

1. Turn the router off. · 2. Press and hold the WPS button and turn the router on. · 3. Power light is on (keep holding the WPS button). · 4.

[無線路由器] 如何在華碩無線路由器上恢復原廠設定值?

2. 按壓RESET按鈕大約5-10秒直到路由器的電源LED燈號開始閃爍,即可停止按壓。 此時,因為路由器正在重新開機,所有的LED燈號都應熄滅,此為正常現象。 接著 ...

ASUS RT-N18U 刷番茄失敗,救得回來嗎?(已解決)

1.關閉電源。 · 2.持續按住背面WPS Button,再重新接回電源。 · 3.等待開機,約30秒後放開WPS Button。 · 4.關閉電源,再接回電源,重新開機即完成。


ASUSRT-n18U重置(reset)·1.將路由器關機·2.長按WPS按鍵不放並開機·3.路由器上的電源燈號開啟(不要放開WPS按鍵)·4.當看到電源燈號開始閃爍時即可 ...,Turnofftherouter·PressandholdtheRESETbutton(onebetweentheWANandUSBports)·Turnontherouter·WaituntilthepowerLEDbeginsto ...,Takethepointofasharppencilorunwoundpaperclipandpressandholdtheresetbuttonforaround10seconds.Pleasekeepinmindthisreset ...,1.將路由器關...