
Iaccidentallychanged'AutoLogonSID''svalueto1(Itwasabigstringoflettersandnumbersbefore).Idon'tknowifit'simportant,howorifIshould ...,Iaccidentallychanged'AutoLogonSID''svalueto1(Itwasabigstringoflettersandnumbersbefore).Idon'tknowifit'simportant,howorifIshould ...,IntheWinlogonregistryentrylookforAutoLogonSIDandcheckwhatthedatais.CompareitagainstHKLM/Software/Microsoft/WindowsNT ...,TheAutoLogo...

Accidentally Edited 'AutoLogonSID' in registry editor : rpchelp

I accidentally changed 'AutoLogonSID''s value to 1 (It was a big string of letters and numbers before). I don't know if it's important, how or if I should ...

Accidentally edited AutoLogonSID and dont know if that's a problem

I accidentally changed 'AutoLogonSID''s value to 1 (It was a big string of letters and numbers before). I don't know if it's important, how or if I should ...

Autologin Autologon Sysinternals with Windows 10 issue

In the Winlogon registry entry look for AutoLogonSID and check what the data is. Compare it against HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT ...

How to Enable Windows Auto Login without a Password

The AutoLogonSID registry parameter in the HKLM-Software-Microsoft-Windows NT-CurrentVersion-Winlogon key stores the user SID used to log on.

How to Set Up Automatic Login for a Specific User in Windows

If your computer has multiple user accounts and you want a specific user to log in automatically after a restart, follow these steps.

Jeroen Pluimers on LinkedIn

Need to check out the Windows AutoLogonSID registry value and other autologon security features in Windows.

Sign in User Account Automatically at Windows 10 Startup

The AutoAdminLogon string value is not there by default until you have unchecked the Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer box and ...

Why isn't any Windows 10 Pro autologon method working?

Try out: Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options > Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart.

Windows 10 16299登入畫面點選即登入問題(新)

不論在安全模式,正常斷網模式,正常連網模式,開機後進入登入畫面第一個帳戶,如果直接登入,就沒問題,如果不登入,按別的帳戶登入,就會在開始選單-帳戶-%User% ...

設定Windows 以自動登入- Windows Server

本文說明如何設定Windows,將您的密碼及其他相關資訊儲存在登錄資料庫中,以自動化登入程序。 使用此功能時,其他使用者可以啟動您的電腦,並使用您建立的帳戶 ...