
Understanding Automatic Processing

Automatic processing is a type of cognitive mental activity that is quick, simultaneous, and efficient, needs minimal cognitive effort, and does ...

Automatic and controlled processes

Put simply, an automatic process is unintentional, involuntary, effortless (not consumptive of limited processing capacity), and occurring outside awareness. Characteristics · Automatic processes · Processes with ambiguous...

From Controlled to Automatic Processes and Back Again

The aim of the present study is to examine the possibility of implementing flexibility in automatic processing through reliance on contextual features.

自動化歷程(automatic processing)

自動化歷程就像一組設定好的思考方式與動作,一旦開始,就很難停止,非得等到動作完成為止。然而,只要稍有遲疑的念頭,順暢的動作便會中斷。想想體操選手佔滿 ...

Controlled vs. Automatic Processing | Definition & Examples

Automatic processing is efficient and quick, particularly as one becomes more familiar with a specific task or skill. Controlled processing occurs serially. In ...

Automatic Process - an overview

An automatic process is defined as a fast, stimulus-driven process characterized by a lack of intention, attention, and awareness.

Automatic Processing in Psychology

Automatic processing in psychology refers to cognitive activities that are relatively fast and require few cognitive resources.

How Automatic Processing Shapes Our Everyday Experiences

Automatic processing means continuing to do the things we do while on what some might call autopilot. Automatic processing—and its sibling ...


Automaticprocessingisatypeofcognitivementalactivitythatisquick,simultaneous,andefficient,needsminimalcognitiveeffort,anddoes ...,Putsimply,anautomaticprocessisunintentional,involuntary,effortless(notconsumptiveoflimitedprocessingcapacity),andoccurringoutsideawareness.Characteristics·Automaticprocesses·Processeswithambiguous...,Theaimofthepresentstudyistoexaminethepossibilityofimplementingflexi...