2014年11月5日 — The default location is a hidden .android folder in your user directory. Well, my user directory sits on my c: which is a somewhat small ...
2024年6月13日 — Windows 10, and higher - C:-Users- user -.android- name .avd-. Use the -datadir option to specify a different AVD data directory. The following ...
2010年5月15日 — By default, the emulator stores configuration files under $HOME/.android/ and AVD data under $HOME/.android/avd/. You can override the defaults by setting the ...
2019年11月22日 — ANDROID_AVD_HOME: Sets the path to the directory that contains all AVD-specific files, which mostly consist of very large disk images. The ...
The AVD appears in the Virtual tab of the Device Manager. Create a hardware profile. The Device Manager provides predefined hardware profiles for common devices ...
There is a simple way to move avd(in windows): open the directory: C:UsersUsername. androidavd , you will find the directory named with your AVD and a . ini file.