how to program lighting with tiger touchavolites tiger ...



Tiger Touch II

€17,716.60 供應中 Small and lightweight lighting console, perfect combination of performance and portability. With increased processing power, a redesigned control layout.

Tiger Touch

The Tiger Touch has four main control areas: A The Touch screen contains fixture, palette and group select buttons. It also shows legends for the playback ...

Avolites > Software > Downloads > Tiger Touch

This is an upgrade installer: ✓ Upgrade consoles running v12.0 recovery. ✓ Faster install and simpler install experience, allow 2 hours. ✓ Does not require ...

Tiger Touch II

With bright screen, increased processing power, and faster graphics engine, the Tiger Touch II is the most specified Titan console.

Tiger Touch

Tiger Touch II consoles between serial number TT-02001 and TT-03065 will require a hardware upgrade to run V16.0.

[PDF] Tiger Touch 2.

The core of the Avolites console range. High end features in a compact and great-value package. HARDWARE FEATURES. – 20 Playback faders.

Titan Mobile - 燈光控制台

Avolites Titan Mobile 採用緊湊輕巧的單元,將Titan軟件的強大功能與您的筆記本電腦連接起來,以生產功能齊全的移動燈光控制系統。足夠小的攜帶手提行李在航班上足夠 ...

Tiger Touch 2 Lighting Console with Titan Operating System

?12,278.40 Now boasting a 100% brighter screen, increased processing power, and faster graphics engine, the Tiger Touch II is the most specified Titan console.

Tiger Touch II

技術規格. ◎ 採用功能强大的泰坦操作系統,9.1、10.0、10.1三合一系統版本。 ◎ 酷睿I5雙核處理器,Intel 128G固態硬盤,4G(DDR3)筆記本内存。 ◎ 内置一個15.6寸電容觸摸屏和 ...


€17,716.60供應中Smallandlightweightlightingconsole,perfectcombinationofperformanceandportability.Withincreasedprocessingpower,aredesignedcontrollayout.,TheTigerTouchhasfourmaincontrolareas:ATheTouchscreencontainsfixture,paletteandgroupselectbuttons.Italsoshowslegendsfortheplayback ...,Thisisanupgradeinstaller:✓Upgradeconsolesrunningv12.0recovery.✓Fasterinstallandsimplerinstallexperience,allow2...