Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina DLC Heads Added to D20 Chests! Axton ...

Atotalof37Headsand104SkinscanbeunlockedforAxton.Thenon-defaultheadsandskinscanbeunlockedthroughrandomenemydrops.,定制皮肤.Atotalof26Headsand90SkinscanbeunlockedforAxton.Thenon-defaultheadsandskinscanbeunlockedthroughrandomenemydrops, ...,ThisSHiF...。參考影片的文章的如下:


AxtonSkins | Borderlands Wiki

A total of 37 Heads and 104 Skins can be unlocked for Axton. The non-default heads and skins can be unlocked through random enemy drops.

艾克斯顿皮肤- 无主之地中文维基- 灰机wiki

定制皮肤. A total of 26 Heads and 90 Skins can be unlocked for Axton. The non-default heads and skins can be unlocked through random enemy drops, ...

SHiFT Code

This SHiFT Code is to be redeemed for Axton′s 'Call Down the Thunder' Head and 'Stand There and Bleed' Skin, available during the 2013 ...

Guide :

Paid DLC heads that are unlocked in the customization menu directly. They are account-bound and cannot be traded.

Commando Heads - Borderlands 2 Guide

Throughout Borderlands 2 you will be able to unlock various Customizations, below you will find the requirements and appearances of the various Commando Heads.

PS4 Axton space knight head : rBorderlands2

Looking for Axton's space knight head by farming bunker for about a week and was wondering if anyone might have one they'd be willing to part with on PS4.

Axton Heads, Da Fuq? : rBorderlands2

You guys chose Axton as ur first character bc during the intro he was the first to engage the enemy, and the first Vault Hunter to be introduced ...

Borderlands 2 All Skins and Heads for the Commando(Axton)

Here are all of the skins/head for the Commando class. Zer0 will be uploaded next.

Borderlands 2 All Heads for Axton the Commando 1717

1. Vermivorous Head: 2. Default 3. Terramorphous Head: ...


Atotalof37Headsand104SkinscanbeunlockedforAxton.Thenon-defaultheadsandskinscanbeunlockedthroughrandomenemydrops.,定制皮肤.Atotalof26Headsand90SkinscanbeunlockedforAxton.Thenon-defaultheadsandskinscanbeunlockedthroughrandomenemydrops, ...,ThisSHiFTCodeistoberedeemedforAxton′s'CallDowntheThunder'Headand'StandThereandBleed'Skin,availableduringthe2013 ...,PaidDLCheadsthatareunlockedinthecustomizat...