

Overview (Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK 8.0.0 API)

Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK 8.0.0 API. Packages. Package, Description ... This package contains the storage service analytics classes.

Microsoft Azure Storage Libraries for .NET

The Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for .NET allows you to build Azure applications that take advantage of scalable cloud computing resources.

Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for Node.js

This project provides the legacy Node.js package azure-storage which is browser compatible to consume and manage Microsoft Azure Storage Services.

Azure Storage client library for .NET

3 天前 · The Azure Storage client libraries for .NET offer a convenient interface for making calls to Azure Storage.

Azure Storage SDK for .NET

Reference for Azure Storage SDK for .NET.

Azure Storage SDK for Python

3 天前 · Create, update, and delete storage accounts. Retrieve and regenerate storage account access keys. Explore more sample Python code you can use in ...

Overview of the Azure Storage client libraries

The Azure SDK provides two sets of libraries for working with Azure Storage resources. One set of libraries builds on the Azure Storage REST API.

快速入門:Azure Blob 儲存體程式庫

Azure Blob 儲存體是雲端適用的Microsoft 物件儲存體解決方案,已針對大量非結構化資料的儲存進行最佳化調整。 在本文中,您會遵循步驟來安裝套件,並嘗試 ... 必要條件 · 設定

Azure Storage SDK for Java

3 天前 · The Azure Storage client library for Java supports Blob storage, Queue storage, Azure Files, and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (preview library). Client library for data access · Buffer overwrite issue with... · Incorrect data b

Azure Storage client libraries for .NET

The latest version of the Azure Storage client library for data access is version 12.x.x. Microsoft recommends using version 12.x.x for new applications.

