Galaxy S21UltraPlus

Topermanentlydisablethesyncingandsavingoffiles/foldersin/onyourpersonalOneDriveaccount,youcantrythefollowingsteps.,FromtheAccountstab,taptheBackupsswitchtoenableordisable.ToenableBackup&Sync,enterandre-enterthedesiredbackuppassword.Tochangethe .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Is There a Way to Permanently Disable the Syncing and Saving of

To permanently disable the syncing and saving of files/folders in/on your personal OneDrive account, you can try the following steps.

Enable or Disable Backups and Sync in Authy

From the Accounts tab, tap the Backups switch to enable or disable. To enable Backup & Sync, enter and re-enter the desired backup password. To change the ...

Google Drive is saying Sorry, Backup and Sync needs to quit.?

Error: Backup and Sync is disabled for this account. Please email uploader-eng@ from your account if you need a personal account ...

Backup and Sync no longer available notification popup

Everytime I login to my computer this incessant window pops up and tells me Backup and Sync is no longer available, and I should migrate to Google Drive.

Backup and Sync - Login Problem

I have downloaded Backup and Sync for Mac, and everything seems fine until I try to log into my google account. It won't work in the program ...

Google BackupSync, migrated to google drive, disa...

Google Backup and sync, migrated to google drive, and disabled backups of important files with databases, xmls and systems.

Backup and Sync wo save for offline use

Google no longer offers Backup and Sync and should not work any longer. This has been replaced by Google Drive for Desktop: are you referring to ...

Google Drive is now Backup and Sync? Error

Here is how to fix it: 1- Go to Google Drive is now Backup and Sync icon. 2- Right click and then hit rename. 3- Rename it to  ...

unable to sync backup on google drive

I have noticed that am unable to backup apps on google drive after clean installation of latest 4.5.6. Disabled by admin :confused: Any help is ...


Topermanentlydisablethesyncingandsavingoffiles/foldersin/onyourpersonalOneDriveaccount,youcantrythefollowingsteps.,FromtheAccountstab,taptheBackupsswitchtoenableordisable.ToenableBackup&Sync,enterandre-enterthedesiredbackuppassword.Tochangethe ...,Error:BackupandSyncisdisabledforthisaccount.Pleaseemailuploader-eng@fromyourgoogle.comaccountifyouneedapersonalaccount ...,EverytimeIlogintomyco...