2005 Ford F150 5.4L



硬盘Ghost开启出现Bad block(s)encountered on read ...

检测到有坏道可以尝试隔离坏区。 2.如果用光盘运行ghost备份的,更换光盘试试。 3.更换更新版本的ghost。 4.电源不稳定,也会导致此现象,注意听硬盘有没有发出奇怪的声音。

What are bad blocks on a hard drive?

A bad block is an area of storage media that is no longer reliable for storing and retrieving data because it has been physically damaged or corrupted.

重装系统出现bad block(s)encountered on read continue anyway? 怎么

在还原系统出现这种提示,更多的是指:原先备份的ISO文件损坏或者无法读取,只需用光盘重装即可,没必要搞的太复杂。或者用U盘也行。 ... Bad block(s) ...

Bad blocd(s) encountered on read - continue anyway?

出现:Bad block(s) encountered on read-continue anyway的提示,并不是一定指你电脑的硬盘有物理坏道,在还原系统出现这种提示,更多的是指:原先备份的ISO文件损坏或者无法读 ...

Bad blocks encountered on read

So I was just copying files from a client's laptop (WITH A BOOT DISC) to a external hard drive and encountered the error bad blocks on read ...

Bad blocks encountered on read啥意思,怎么修

扩展资料:bad block (s )encountered on read -continue anyway的意bai思是:在读取数据时碰到坏块,坏道,无法继续读取。如果是GHOST恢复时出现表示原来的映shu像文件已经 ...

Ghost提示Bad block(s)encountered on read

在硬盘Ghost时启动界面会出现: Bad block(s)encountered on read-continue anyway? bad block的意思是坏区,但这不一定是坏区造成的,看以下解决方法: 1 ...

我使用GHOST 11.0 備份軟體, 螢幕顯示Bad blocks encountered on ...

確認一下Bad Blocks 是發生在備份影像檔還是實體硬碟,實體硬碟請循保固更換。 把問題寫到網友看得懂是發問者的責任,讓人花很多時間才搞懂或是才能溝通的 ...

ghost 11.5 Bad block(s) encountered on read...

I'm trying to create an image from a PC and the task ends with Bad block(s) encountered on read error. I start a Create Image task from the GhostCast ...

