Bainbridge Reflex



The Bainbridge reflex

Respiratory and circulatory reflexes from the per- fused heart and pulmonary circulation of the dog. Amer. J. Physiol. 165, 261-277. BAINBRIDGE, F. A. (1915).

Cardiac reflexes

The mechanoreceptors for the Bainbridge reflex are thought to be scattered somewhere in the atria, proximal central veins and pulmonary arteries ...

The Bainbridge and the “Reverse” Bainbridge Reflexes

The Bainbridge reflex refers to the increase in heart rate secondary to an increase in central blood volume.1 Although this reflex has been cited over the years ...

Bainbridge reflex | Neuromuscular, Reflex Arc & Synapse

Bainbridge reflex, acceleration of the heart rate resulting from increased blood pressure in, or increased distension of, the large systemic ...

Physiology, Bainbridge Reflex - StatPearls

The Bainbridge reflex is a compensatory reflex resulting in an increase in heart rate following an increase in cardiac preload.

Bainbridge reflex | Learn the Heart

The Bainbridge reflex (aka, atrial reflex) occurs when the heart rate increases in response to a rise in atrial pressure. This is a compensatory mechanism ...

Physiology, Bainbridge Reflex - StatPearls

The Bainbridge reflex is a compensatory reflex resulting in an increase in heart rate following an increase in cardiac preload.


心房反射(Atrial reflex),又稱本布里奇反射(Bainbridge reflex),是人體藉由感測中心靜脈壓的增加而提升心率的反射。血壓是藉由兩側心房與靜脈交界的感壓受體偵測。

Bainbridge reflex

The Bainbridge reflex is a cardiovascular reflex causing an increase in heart rate in response to increased stretching of the wall of the right atrium ...


Respiratoryandcirculatoryreflexesfromtheper-fusedheartandpulmonarycirculationofthedog.Amer.J.Physiol.165,261-277.BAINBRIDGE,F.A.(1915).,ThemechanoreceptorsfortheBainbridgereflexarethoughttobescatteredsomewhereintheatria,proximalcentralveinsandpulmonaryarteries ...,TheBainbridgereflexreferstotheincreaseinheartratesecondarytoanincreaseincentralbloodvolume.1Althoughthisreflexhasbeencitedovertheye...