We Bought BEER GOGGLES!! *Hilarious*

Ifyousaythatsomeoneiswearingbeergoggles,youmeanthatthatpersonhasbeendrinkingsomuchalcoholthattheythinksomeoneismore ...,Ifyousaythatsomeoneiswearingbeergoggles,youmeanthatthatpersonhasbeendrinkingsomuchalcoholthattheythinksomeoneismoresexually .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


BEER GOGGLES | English meaning

If you say that someone is wearing beer goggles, you mean that that person has been drinking so much alcohol that they think someone is more ...

BEER GOGGLES in Traditional Chinese

If you say that someone is wearing beer goggles, you mean that that person has been drinking so much alcohol that they think someone is more sexually ...

Beer goggles

The term beer goggles is the phenomenon that people find other people more attractive after having consumed alcohol. The term is especially used for ...

Fatal Vision Alcohol Impairment Goggles

Use with your Fatal Vision® Goggles to deliver a more realistic lesson about the consequences of alcohol misuse and abuse.

Beer Goggles

Drunk Busters 10 Pack of Goggles - The Best Alcohol, Fatigue & Drug Impairment Simulation.

ㄚ海耶英文- [實用英文] - beer goggles...

[實用英文] - beer goggles 中文有一句話叫「情人眼裡出西施」,跟今天這個俚語 有點類似。Beer goggles 直翻叫做啤酒護目鏡,大家稍微猜得出來了嗎?

Drunk Buster Impairment Goggles (black)

供應中 Drunk Impairment Goggles (also known as beer goggles, drunk goggles or drunk glasses) simulate the effects of being drunk.

BEER GOGGLES Definition & Meaning - Merriam

a pair of goggles that alter a person's perceptions especially by making others appear more attractive than they actually are.

'Beer goggles' study finds alcohol does not make people seem ...

US research casts doubt on anecdotal evidence, but suggests drinking may give you 'courage' to approach attractive people.


Ifyousaythatsomeoneiswearingbeergoggles,youmeanthatthatpersonhasbeendrinkingsomuchalcoholthattheythinksomeoneismore ...,Ifyousaythatsomeoneiswearingbeergoggles,youmeanthatthatpersonhasbeendrinkingsomuchalcoholthattheythinksomeoneismoresexually ...,Thetermbeergogglesisthephenomenonthatpeoplefindotherpeoplemoreattractiveafterhavingconsumedalcohol.Thetermisespeciallyusedfor ...,UsewithyourFatalVi...