DJI Spark 全球首發開箱
3 天前 - DJI Spark 首批貨已經在中國首發,霍克也幫大家搶先拿到一台給大家開箱,照片與介紹稍後補上: 歡迎加入霍克無人機粉絲團或在本站預購DJI ...
DJI Spark 開箱篇
2 天前 - 昨天已經發佈過開箱影片,接下來也把開箱圖片給大家看看,順便也介紹一下Spark: 首先開機是Spark 白色單機版,原廠目前加送一片16G Sandisk ...
Spark - Seize the Moment
Meet Spark, a mini drone that features all of DJI's signature technologies, allowing you to seize the moment whenever you feel inspired. With intelligent flight ...
DJI Spark「曉」迷你無人機全台首開箱!
3 天前 - DJI Spark在5/24發表的同時網購訂單瞬間秒殺,因為Spark不僅是DJI歷年來體積最小的無人機,同時也是價格最親民的空拍機種,單機不到16K的售 ...
DJI Spark 科技新聞完整報道
DJI Spark 無人機6 月15 日登陸香港「掌」控航拍世代降臨! ... DJI 今日(2017 年6 月5 日)於香港旗艦店正式舉行DJI Spark 地區發布會,表示產品最快可於6 月10 ...
DJI Spark Release Date, Price and Specs
For those you waiting for a smaller, more affordable drone from DJI, the wait is over: The Spark, an easy-to-fly mini drone that features all of DJI's signature technologies, including intelligent flight control options, a mechanical gimbal, and a 108
DJI Spark
The DJI Spark is still coming, but not for at least a few weeks. On April 24th, DJI had an event in las Vegas where we all thought the Spark would be announced. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen but instead, they released the DJI Goggles, DJI Ronin 2 and