
例句:Thehoteloffersfreebreakfast;inaddition,theyprovidefreeWi-Fiaccesstoallguests.這家酒店提供免費早餐;此外,他們還為所有客人提供免費無線網絡。,Besides為介係詞,.意思是「除了…,…還/也…」例句:.Besidesme,mybestfriendwenttotheconcertlastweek.除了我,我最好的朋友上禮拜也去 ...,Shewon'tmindifyou'relate-besides,it'shardlyyourfault.她不會因為你遲到而耿耿於懷——何況這並不是你的錯。Doyouplayanyothers...


例句:The hotel offers free breakfast; in addition, they provide free Wi-Fi access to all guests. 這家酒店提供免費早餐;此外,他們還為所有客人提供免費無線網絡。

Besides 和Except 都是「除了」,它們哪裡不一樣? 一次幫你搞懂!

Besides 為介係詞,. 意思是「除了…,… 還/也…」 例句:. Besides me, my best friend went to the concert last week. 除了我,我最好的朋友上禮拜也去 ...


She won't mind if you're late - besides , it's hardly your fault. 她不會因為你遲到而耿耿於懷——何況這並不是你的錯。 Do you play any other sports besides basketball? 除了籃球外,你還參加別的體育活動嗎? 3 天前


besides的例句. besides. Besides nutrients and light, rice and weeds also competed for water. 來自Cambridge English Corpus.


Besides me, all the other workers in my office are vegetarians. 辦公室除了我之外,其他員工也都是素食者。 My boyfriend has many advantages besides being handsome.

besides (【介系詞】除此之外)意思、用法及發音

besides 例句. Besides being brother and sister, they are also good friends. 他們除了是兄妹(姐弟)之外,還是好朋友。 Besides this mistake, there are no ...

【英文文法】Besides, Except 分不清楚嗎?一次搞懂「除了」的用法!

後面加逗號,逗號後面為完整句子[主詞+動詞+(受詞)] 。 【例句】. After Mary gains a huge sum of money, she buys an apartment. In addition/ Besides/ ...

【Beside VS Besides】你知道它們分別嗎? 6 個「除了」的英文用法

例句:In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland. 除了在曼哈頓擁有一套公寓外,他在義大利還有一座鄉間別墅,在蘇格蘭 ...


音標: [bɪˋsaɪdz] · 解釋: 除了⋯之外 · 例句: Besides English, math is my favorite subject. 翻譯: 除了英文之外,數學是我最喜愛的科目。 · 補充用法: beside oneself with ...


「除了」英文2 :Besides: 包含…在內​ Besides是介系詞。 例句: 1. Besides tennis, what other sports do you play? (除了網球之外,你還從事哪些其它運動?)