BH Road Bikes



BH Prisma 2013

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BH 2013 catalogue by EURO BIKE s.r.o.

The new Prisma also permits integrating the Shimano Di2 system, guaranteeing maximum protection, easy maintenance, and a more refined aesthetic.

[PDF] 2013

The Prisma frame provides the same performance and includes the same features as the top-level competition frames used in the BH's legendary bicycles, but ...

BH Prisma 105 review

The BH Prisma 105 has a compact frame that relies on a generous amount of seatpost to accommodate larger riders (we needed 22cm), ...

BH Prisma Ultegra (2013) Specs

Ergonomics, comfort and performance The Prisma frame is designed with a taller head tube, steeper seat angle, longer chain stays and a 45mm fork off set. This ...

BH Prisma 105 2013 - Specifications | Reviews | Shops

The Prisma frame's 100% carbon construction, based on our Global Concept frame structure, guarantees a stiff, performance based foundation.

我的消光黑BH prisma開箱(圖多文少傷眼慎入)

上個月買來要參加高雄經典百K,但牽車過程曲折,不過最後還是順利的到我身邊了,不多說一起來分享我的喜悅吧!這是我愛車,BH prisma tiagra 2013 消光黑版 ...

BH Prisma 消光黑藍2013組車建議!

之前是騎12年tcr adv3現在想換BH Prisma 2013年那台!想請問這兩隻車架的差別?目前的菜單BH Prisma 消光黑藍車架+ULTEGRA 6800 11速+9000-c35-CL(目前 ...

bh prisma - 人氣推薦- 2025年2月

【台北二手單車店】西班牙 BH Prisma apex變速器20速M號碳纖維公路車(庫存新車). 28,000. -中年大叔- 已售出BH PRISMA 碳纖維平把公路車.


Findbikesthatmatchyourgeometrycriteria.SearchbyName·SearchbyNumbers·ImportaBike·BrandDirectory·BikeDirectory·BikeFitters·Pricing.,ThenewPrismaalsopermitsintegratingtheShimanoDi2system,guaranteeingmaximumprotection,easymaintenance,andamorerefinedaesthetic.,ThePrismaframeprovidesthesameperformanceandincludesthesamefeaturesasthetop-levelcompetitionframesusedintheBH'slegendarybicycles,but ...,TheBH...