
Bike test

Two of the best compacts are the Brompton and the Birdy. Both cost from around £1,000, which is a lot more than an entry-level Dahon (rebadged or otherwise).

Birdy GT or Birdy R20

2020年11月18日 — The Birdy GT is known to be a durable and rugged performance folding bike. It can conquer slight technical terrains and dirt trails as it has an ...

Graphite Birdy Folding Bike Long Term Review

2017年1月16日 — The Birdy is an ace all-rounder. It is able to do many things while still being able to fold compactly and quickly. From quick urban rides to ...


2022年8月10日 — The Birdy offers a strangely springy ride quality, far more so than the very, very stiff Vello. Thanks to suspension both front and back, ...

What to buy

2020年12月7日 — Overall, the Birdy GT can be considered an 'all-rounder'. It can travel along pavements and park connectors, as well as light trails. The ...


TwoofthebestcompactsaretheBromptonandtheBirdy.Bothcostfromaround£1,000,whichisalotmorethananentry-levelDahon(rebadgedorotherwise).,,2020年11月18日—TheBirdyGTisknowntobeadurableandruggedperformancefoldingbike.Itcanconquerslighttechnicalterrainsanddirttrailsasithasan ...,2017年1月16日—TheBirdyisanaceall-rounder.Itisabletodomanythingswhilestillbeingabletofoldcompactlyandquickly.Fromquickurbanride...

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動
