Bitstrips Introductory Tutorial



App Store 上由Bitstrips 開發的App

評分 4.1 (96) · 免費 · iOS 下載由Bitstrips 開發的App,包括「Bitmoji」。

App Store 的Bitstrips App

評分 3.8 (211) · 免費 · iOS 下載Bitstrips 開發的App,包括Bitmoji。

Bitstrips for Android

評分 4.0 (2) · 免費 · Android Bitstrips is an app that gives you the ability to create caricatures of yourself and your friends, which you can then put into comics to share on social ...


The company's web application,, allowed users to create comic strips using personalized avatars, and preset templates and poses. Brown and ...

【App Spotlight】 你也被洗版了嗎?自製惡搞漫畫App「Bitstrips ...

簡單來說,Bitstrips可以讓使用者創造一個虛擬分身,並且能依照心情,在App中創造出符合當下情況的單格漫畫(當然也有許多天馬行空的情境可以讓你自由選擇, ...


評分 4.6 (3,631,668) · 免費 · Android · Bitmoji is your own personal emoji. Create an expressive cartoon avatar, choose from a huge library of stickers – all featuring YOU.

Bitstrips App:臉書超紅自製趣味漫畫

Bitstrips 這套App 目前在iOS、Android 平台推出行動版本,也在Facebook 應用程式中推出專屬App,使用者能創造自己專屬的漫畫角色,並可搭配多樣的情境和對話 ...

Bitstrips APK for Android

Bitstrips is a free app for the Android mobile platform that provides users with all the tools they need to create and share their very own hilarious comic ...

What Happened to Bitstrips?

Bitstrips was a popular comic builder app that people used to create funny, personalized cartoons. Although no longer available, ... What Was Bitstrips? · Design a Bitstrips Avatar

Bitstrips for iPhone

評分 3/10 (2) · 免費 · iOS Make fun comic strips starring you and your friends. Bitstrips is a fun app that allows you to design and share your own comic strips.


評分4.1(96)·免費·iOS下載由Bitstrips開發的App,包括「Bitmoji」。,評分3.8(211)·免費·iOS下載Bitstrips開發的App,包括Bitmoji。,評分4.0(2)·免費·AndroidBitstripsisanappthatgivesyoutheabilitytocreatecaricaturesofyourselfandyourfriends,whichyoucanthenputintocomicstoshareonsocial ...,Thecompany'swebapplication,,alloweduserstocreatecomicstripsusingpersonalizedavatars,andpresettemplatesandpo...