


Bitsum (@bitsumtech) X

Developer of Process Lasso, ParkControl, Coreprio, PECompact and more.

Bitsum. Real

Real-Time CPU Optimization and Automation. Keep your PC responsive during high CPU loads and automate process settings with rules. Apps run YOUR WAY!

Download Process Lasso

Discover more from Bitsum. Subscribe to get the latest posts to your email. Type your email… Subscribe. SALE! 25% OFF Discount code: CONTROL. Account ...


2023年11月19日 — 【12~14 代必用✓】Bitsum 推出了針對Intel 大小核心的CoreDirector 線程調度程式,可以針對不同的軟體製作Profile,可以將遊戲設定只使用P-Core, ...


2023年11月18日 — 【12~14 代必用✓】Bitsum 推出了針對Intel 大小核心的CoreDirector 線程調度程式,可以針對不同的軟體製作Profile,可以將遊戲設定只使用P-Core, ...

Process Lasso

Process Lasso is Windows process automation and optimization software developed by Jeremy Collake of Bitsum Technologies. It features a graphical user ...

心得Process Lasso 系統資源監控軟體設定

2021年11月12日 — (15) Core: Make Bitsum Highest Performance core parking settings compatible with Alder Lake on Win10 (17) Core: Do one-time adjustment of ...

美國 BSM 的價格、即時圖表和新聞

5 天前 — 取得有關 的最新價格、新聞、即時圖表和市場趨勢。美國 目前的價格為每(BSM / USD) US$NaN.


DeveloperofProcessLasso,ParkControl,Coreprio,PECompactandmore.,Real-TimeCPUOptimizationandAutomation.KeepyourPCresponsiveduringhighCPUloadsandautomateprocesssettingswithrules.AppsrunYOURWAY!,DiscovermorefromBitsum.Subscribetogetthelatestpoststoyouremail.Typeyouremail…Subscribe.SALE!25%OFFDiscountcode:CONTROL.Account ...,2023年11月19日—【12~14代必用✓】Bitsum推出了針對Intel大小核心的CoreDirector...