Kensuke's Kingdom

英國心理學家PipWilson設計出「情緒管理樹」測驗(Theblobtreetest),該測驗最常被應用於輔導研習及課程教學中,人們透過仔細觀察圖片中各種樣貌的小 ...,TheBlobTreeisavisualtooldesignedtoallowindividualstoexpressthemselvesandtheiremotionsinanon-verbalway...。參考影片的文章的如下:


風靡全英國的「情緒樹」測驗!從圖中選出一個「在樹上 ...

英國心理學家Pip Wilson設計出「情緒管理樹」測驗(The blob tree test),該測驗最常被應用於輔導研習及課程教學中,人們透過仔細觀察圖片中各種樣貌的小 ...

Blob Tree

The Blob Tree is a visual tool designed to allow individuals to express themselves and their emotions in a non-verbal way through the use of human figures ...

The “BLOB TREE” Psycho-Emotional Test

There are 2 parts to this test – First, find the blob-figure that resembles you the most; after that, find one that you would like to resemble.

Which Blob Person Are You?

The Blob Tree is a famous psycho-analyst test used to help determine emotions and personality. It was developed by the famous British psychologist Pip Wilson.

郁花園心理測驗分享-你會選擇待在哪個位置? | 郁郁的沙龍

分享~英國心理測驗:觀察圖中21個小人,你會選擇待在哪個位置? 行為心理學家Pip Wilson所設計的《Blob Tree》測試如今成為英國學校廣泛使用的情緒管理 ...


多年來,《Blob Tree》是英國學校「情緒管理」課普遍使用的教材工具 ... 測試者現階段的心情和問題,不侷限於孩童,其實它更適合長大後的成年人 ...

肥蝙蝠-林老bat - 開學第一堂要讓孩子們來玩的... Blob Tree!

一定非常有趣~~~ 答案解讀: 這個原先設計給小朋友的看圖測驗,更是給大人的警惕 test.html 看圖 ...

超准心理测验| “最想待在几号位置”测出你人格特征

英国超火心理测验“Blob Tree”普遍使用于英国学校“情绪管理”教材,透过一个人对客观图案的主观反应,就可以巧妙推敲出人格特征哦 !本期就来挑选你最想待 ...

Blob Tree Test - Pip Wilson

This test helps us to recognise and strengthen emotions, and to some extent, understand our social status in society too. Each blob figure in ...

The Blob Tree - Fun Reflection Tool to Explore Feelings

The Blob Tree is a renowned reflection tool used in psycho-analysis to assess emotions and personality.


英國心理學家PipWilson設計出「情緒管理樹」測驗(Theblobtreetest),該測驗最常被應用於輔導研習及課程教學中,人們透過仔細觀察圖片中各種樣貌的小 ...,TheBlobTreeisavisualtooldesignedtoallowindividualstoexpressthemselvesandtheiremotionsinanon-verbalwaythroughtheuseofhumanfigures ...,Thereare2partstothistest–First,findtheblob-figurethatresemblesyouthemost;afterthat,findonethatyouwouldliketoresemble.,...