
Whentheeconomyisboomingandfiscalreservesaremaintainedat[...]...當經濟蓬勃、儲備充裕之時,市民自然質疑政府是否有需要多收稅款;當經濟低迷之時,政府更無 ...,booming例句.Peoplewhoinvestedintheboomingstockmarketreceivedareturnofanaverageof15percentont...。參考影片的文章的如下:


are booming - 英中 - Linguee

When the economy is booming and fiscal reserves are maintained at [...] ... 當經濟蓬勃、儲備充裕之時,市民自然質疑政府是否有需要多收稅款;當經濟低迷之時,政府更無 ...

booming (【形容詞】逐漸成長的, 逐漸蓬勃的)意思、用法及發音

booming 例句. People who invested in the booming stock market received a return of an average of 15 percent on their investments. 許多人投資蓬勃發展的股市, ...


Boom·ing, n. The act of producing a hollow or roaring sound; a violent rushing with heavy roar; as, the booming of the sea; a deep, hollow sound; as, ...


興旺發達的;景氣好的;大受歡迎的;隆隆作響的. Dr.eye 譯典通 · booming · 查看更多. IPA[ˈbuːmɪŋ]. 美式. 英式. adj. 隆隆作響的; 洪亮的;繁榮的; 激增的 ...

booming - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典

發音 · 國際音標: /ˈbuːmɪŋ/ · 韻部:-uːmɪŋ. booming. 急速發展的.

Booming Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. making a loud deep sound; his booming voice. 2. growing or expanding very quickly; a booming business. 3. forcefully or powerfully executed; hit a booming ...

booming 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

v. 紅紅火火;急速發展的. Footer. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play. 關於. 學習服務介紹 · 認識VoiceTube · 加入我們 · 常見問題; 聯絡我們

booming 的情境影片範例|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

而如今仿冒品的市場蓬勃發展得益於社交媒體用戶和網紅向大眾展示他們超逼真的仿冒品。 BOOMING. 轟轟烈烈。


BOOMING翻譯:(声音)低沉有回响的;隆隆的, (经济)繁荣的;迅速发展的。了解更多。


BOOMING翻譯:(聲音)低沈有回響的;隆隆的, (經濟)繁榮的;迅速發展的。了解更多。


Whentheeconomyisboomingandfiscalreservesaremaintainedat[...]...當經濟蓬勃、儲備充裕之時,市民自然質疑政府是否有需要多收稅款;當經濟低迷之時,政府更無 ...,booming例句.Peoplewhoinvestedintheboomingstockmarketreceivedareturnofanaverageof15percentontheirinvestments.許多人投資蓬勃發展的股市, ...,Boom·ing,n.Theactofproducingaholloworroaringsound;aviolentrushingwithheavyroar;as,theboomingofthesea;ad...