
BrowserBench.org — Browser Benchmarks

BrowserBench.org — Browser Benchmarks. Speedometer is a browser benchmark that measures the responsiveness of web applications. It's maintained by major ... Speedometer 3 · JetStream 2.2 · Announcing Speedometer 3.0 · MotionMark 1.3.1

Speedometer 2.0

This benchmark simulates user actions for adding, completing, and removing to-do items using multiple examples in TodoMVC.

The BIG browser benchmark

The BIG browser benchmark: Chrome 17 vs Opera 11 vs Firefox 11 vs IE9 vs Safari 5. By Adrian Kingsley-Hughes | March 15, 2012, 2:54am PDT.

Results - Browser performance comparison

Microsoft Edge scored 5% faster than Google Chrome and 9% faster than Mozilla Firefox according to the Google Octane 2.0 benchmark.

Browser performance comparison

Microsoft Edge scored 17% faster than Google Chrome and 5% faster than Mozilla Firefox according to the Google Octane 2.0 benchmark.

What's 2017's fastest Windows 10 web browser?

Opera was followed by Firefox, at 915.3ms. Edge was right behind at third place with 927.1ms. Chrome fell well behind the others with a score of 1,134.6ms. IE ...

Category: Browser-based benchmarks

In the last round of tests, the scores were very tight, with a difference of only four percent between the last-place browser (Brave) and the winner (Chrome).

Browser benchmark 2017

BROWSER BENCHMARK Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m (x64) 507/555 315 +/- 25.28% Vivaldi 1.6.689.40 (x32) 507/555 217 +/- 11.08% Edge 38.14393 460/555 226.4 +/-5% Waterfox 476/555 207.74 +/-3,25% Browse

I benchmarked 8 browsers so I could find 'the one' I could settle with

I benchmarked 8 browsers so I could find 'the one' I could settle with ; Chrome, 880.58 ; Edge, 874 ; Chromium, 853.57.

What's 2017's fastest Windows 10 web browser?

Google may have wrote this benchmark, but Opera won it with a score of 40,356. Chrome couldn't even take second. Second place with 38,806 went ...


BrowserBench.org—BrowserBenchmarks.Speedometerisabrowserbenchmarkthatmeasurestheresponsivenessofwebapplications.It'smaintainedbymajor ...Speedometer3·JetStream2.2·AnnouncingSpeedometer3.0·MotionMark1.3.1,Thisbenchmarksimulatesuseractionsforadding,completing,andremovingto-doitemsusingmultipleexamplesinTodoMVC.,TheBIGbrowserbenchmark:Chrome17vsOpera11vsFirefox11vsIE9vsSafari5.ByAdrianKingsley-Hu...