How to clear Chrome cache on Mac




This preference controls the maximum amount of memory to use for caching decoded images, messages, and chrome items (application user interface elements).

使用Mozilla Firefox 的考量事項

browser.cache.check_doc_frequency, 3, 3. browser.cache.disk.capacity, 50,000 或以上,增加使用更多的硬碟空間, 50,000. browser.cache.disk.enable, True, True.


browser.cache.memory.capacity 實際上根據自己想法需求設定大小... 建議1024MB(1048576)以上... 如果不知道該用多少且自己主機的RAM總共有16G以上的話建議設為- ...

[Front-end] Browser Cache : 熟悉的陌生人I I

本篇是Cache 系列的第二篇,在上一篇講完Cache 機制之後,這篇會來說說Cache 儲存的位置,也會填坑第一篇結尾提到的兩個重點,接下來會說的大項如下:.


Chrome often uses cache sizes larger than 320MB, and can even get into a gigabyte depending on the users hard drive space.

Switched browser cache from disk (SSD) to RAM ...

The answer as to why it's like that is because internally disk cache includes by default memory cache. The result is a slightly irrelevant about:cache page.

Switched browser cache from disk (SSD) to RAM, about

The answer as to why it's like that is because internally disk cache includes by default memory cache. The result is a slightly irrelevant about:cache page.

Increase Browser Cache Size

We can increase the browser's Chrome or Firefox cache, and thus continue to have the elements stored in the cache. Next, we see how to increase the cache in ...


Windows回報了典型的Firefox 記憶用量大約是50-100 MB,虛擬記憶體用量則在100-150 MB 。這些數據會因為Firefox在系統擁有更多或更少可利用的記憶體下而被預設了使用更多 ...

I set browser.cache.disk.capacity = 0 and my Win10 Firefox is much ...

Setting capacity to 0 functionally disables disk cache. Disk cache is intended to speed up browsing by accessing files locally.

