The Better Brutus In Roman History

MarcusJuniusBrutus,Romanpolitician,oneoftheleadersintheconspiracythatassassinatedJuliusCaesarin44BCE.Brutuswastheson ...,LuciusJuniusBrutus(diedc.509BC)wasthesemi-legendaryfounderoftheRomanRepublic,andtraditionallyoneofitsfirstconsulsin509BC.Tarq...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Marcus Junius Brutus

Marcus Junius Brutus, Roman politician, one of the leaders in the conspiracy that assassinated Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. Brutus was the son ...

Lucius Junius Brutus

Lucius Junius Brutus (died c. 509 BC) was the semi-legendary founder of the Roman Republic, and traditionally one of its first consuls in 509 BC. Tarquinia gens · Junia gens · Silva Arsia · Vitellia gens


Marcus Junius Brutus, a Roman senator, orchestrated the assassination of Julius Caesar, trying to preserve the Roman Republic.

Brutus Condemning His Sons to Death

Lucius Junius Brutus orchestrated a revolt to overthrow the last king of Rome and establish the Roman Republic in 509 BCE. Never again, Brutus decreed, ...

Marcus Junius Brutus | Biography & Facts

Marus Junius Brutus was a Roman politician during the 1st Century BCE. Brutus is most notably known for his participation in the assassination of Julius Caesar.

Brutus - HBO Rome Wiki

Brutus is the son of Servilia and is one of the chief conspirators in the assassination of Caesar. He is later killed at the Battle of Philippi fighting ...

Marcus Junius Brutus

Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BCE) was a Roman politician and a leading figure in the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE.

Denarius of Brutus - The Fitzwilliam Museum

This coin, so remarkable even in antiquity that it was mentioned by the Roman historian Dio Cassius (150–235 CE), commemorates the assassination of Gaius ...

Marcus Junius Brutus

Marcus Junius Brutus was a Roman politician, orator, and the most famous of the assassins of Julius Caesar. After being adopted by a relative, ... Brutus (disambiguation) · Servilia (mother of Brutus) · Porcia (wife of Brutus)

Lucius Junius Brutus

Lucius Junius Brutus, a legendary figure, who is held to have ousted the despotic Etruscan king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus from Rome in 509 ...


MarcusJuniusBrutus,Romanpolitician,oneoftheleadersintheconspiracythatassassinatedJuliusCaesarin44BCE.Brutuswastheson ...,LuciusJuniusBrutus(diedc.509BC)wasthesemi-legendaryfounderoftheRomanRepublic,andtraditionallyoneofitsfirstconsulsin509BC.Tarquiniagens·Juniagens·SilvaArsia·Vitelliagens,MarcusJuniusBrutus,aRomansenator,orchestratedtheassassinationofJuliusCaesar,tryingtopreservetheRomanRepubl...