
Avampirerabbitlikestodrinkcarrotjuiceinsteadofbloodtostrengthenuphissuperabilitiesinnewparanormaladventures.,BunniculaisanAmericananimatedtelevisionseriesfromWarnerBros.AnimationdevelopedbyJessicaBorutski,producedbyBorutskiandMaxwellAtoms, ...,書名:BunniculaStrikesAgain!,語言:英文,ISBN:9780689814631,頁數:128,作者:Howe,James/Daniel,Alan(ILT),出版日期:1999/09/01,類別:童書(0-12歲),Bu...

Bunnicula (TV Series 2016

A vampire rabbit likes to drink carrot juice instead of blood to strengthen up his super abilities in new paranormal adventures.

Bunnicula (TV series)

Bunnicula is an American animated television series from Warner Bros. Animation developed by Jessica Borutski, produced by Borutski and Maxwell Atoms, ...

Bunnicula Strikes Again!

書名:Bunnicula Strikes Again!,語言:英文,ISBN:9780689814631,頁數:128,作者:Howe, James/ Daniel, Alan (ILT),出版日期:1999/09/01,類別:童書(0-12歲)

Bunnicula Wikia

Bunnicula is a cute vampire rabbit. His body colors are black and white. He has a black back that consists of a pattern extending from part of his forehead ...

Bunnicula: A Rabbit

書名:Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery,語言:英文,ISBN:9781416928171,頁數:98,作者:Howe, James/ Howe, Deborah/ Daniel, Alan (ILT), ...

Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery

Bunnicula, coauthored by his late wife Deborah and published in 1979, is considered a modern classic of children's literature. The author has written six highly ...


第1 季劇集(20 集) ... When a magical harmonica attracts zombie fish to the Orlock apartments, Bunnicula must find a way to keep them from scaring Mina.


BUNNICULA is an all-new animated comedy series based on the bestselling children's book of the same name. The series follows the paranormal comedy ...

