How to Create Facebook Cover Photos in Canva



50 creative Facebook cover photos to inspire you

Your Facebook cover is your free personal billboard. Here, we've rounded up some of the most striking and creative Facebook covers on the internet.

Free and customizable Facebook cover templates

At Canva, we aim to make creating attractive Facebook covers as easy as possible with our selection of professionally-designed Facebook cover photo templates ...

Free and customizable Facebook event cover templates

Make catchy event pages with a standout cover photo you can personalize with our Facebook event image templates.

Free business Facebook cover templates to customize

Make the most out of Facebook's audience reach with a savvy banner that uses eye-catching elements. Design yours with the help of Canva's free Facebook ...

Free Facebook Event Cover Maker

Create stunning Facebook event covers for free with Canva's impressively easy to use online Facebook event cover maker.

Free Online Facebook Cover Photo Maker

It's ridiculously easy to create amazing Facebook Covers in Canva. Simply pick your favourite layout and choose images, fonts and colors that suit your design!

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At Canva, we aim to make creating attractive Facebook covers as easy as possible with our selection of professionally-designed Facebook cover photo templates ...

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At Canva, we aim to make creating attractive Facebook covers as easy as possible with our selection of professionally-designed Facebook cover photo templates ...


YourFacebookcoverisyourfreepersonalbillboard.Here,we'veroundedupsomeofthemoststrikingandcreativeFacebookcoversontheinternet.,AtCanva,weaimtomakecreatingattractiveFacebookcoversaseasyaspossiblewithourselectionofprofessionally-designedFacebookcoverphototemplates ...,MakecatchyeventpageswithastandoutcoverphotoyoucanpersonalizewithourFacebookeventimagetemplates.,MakethemostoutofFacebook'saudiencer...