

Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut. The resulting text will be saved to the clipboard by default.

Capture2Text download

2022年3月19日 — Features · Supports 90+ languages · Highly customizable (keyboard shortcuts, output options, etc.) · Google Translate support · Text-to-speech ...

Capture2Text Portable (screen OCR utility)

2023年9月26日 — Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR (optical character recognition) a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut.

Capture2Text 免費OCR 文字辨識工具,支援90 種以上語言

2019年7月4日 — 而這篇就要推薦一個精巧好用的Capture2Text 免費OCR 文字辨識工具,提供Windows 版本,支援多國語言,高達90 種以上,不論是繁體中文、簡體中文、日文、 ...


Capture2text that runs on Windows and Mac. Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut.

Download Capture2Text

Capture2Text is an Open Source screen capture utility that enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut.

How to Extract Text from Images with Capture2Text

Capture2Text is a software designed for Windows to transcribe editable text from pictures. It allows the user to use OCR quickly and get plain text instantly, ...

How to Use Capture2Text and its Alternatives

2022年11月4日 — Capture2Text is a free software you can use for your OCR from screenshot needs. Capture2Text also has an excellent speech recognition feature ...

【心得】沒中文看不懂劇情對話?試著用OCR工具 ...

【心得】沒中文看不懂劇情對話?試著用OCR工具Capture2Text翻譯成中文吧! 電腦系統. A臉先生(mike910205) 2021-10-11 15:35:00.


Capture2TextenablesuserstoquicklyOCRaportionofthescreenusingakeyboardshortcut.Theresultingtextwillbesavedtotheclipboardbydefault.,2022年3月19日—Features·Supports90+languages·Highlycustomizable(keyboardshortcuts,outputoptions,etc.)·GoogleTranslatesupport·Text-to-speech ...,2023年9月26日—Capture2TextenablesuserstoquicklyOCR(opticalcharacterrecognition)aportionofthescreenusingakeyboardshortcut.,2...