
[SOLVED] Component

I've found that this is caused by large Component-Based Servicing logs. These are stored at C:-Windows-Logs-CBS. The current log file is named cbs.log.

Windows CBS Log File Eating Up Disk Space

There is a known Windows 7 log file compression bug. As a result of this bug log files replicate and grow filling up your hard drive effecting system ...

Windows CBS Log File Eating Up Disk Space

There is a known Windows 7 log file compression bug. As a result of this bug log files replicate and grow filling up your hard drive effecting system ...

Windows 7 CBS.log permissions

The image shows you had an admin Command Prompt open. All you had to do was entering the following command: notepad C:-Windows-Logs-CBS-CBS.

How to generate a cbs.log file in Windows 7?

The CBS.log file is generated automatically by the Windows Installer Module service. You will find the log at: C:-Windows-System-Logs-CBS-CBS.log

系統檔案檢查員」 發現損毀的檔案,在安裝KB2821895 之後

Windows 資源保護發現損毀的檔案,但是無法修復其中某些檔案。詳細資料會包含在CBS.log windir-Logs-CBS-CBS.log。例如C:-Windows-Logs-CBS-CBS.log。請注意記錄目前不 ...

C:Windowstemp 或C

雖然很多討論都是提到sfc/scannow 造成CBS.log 肥大,但實際上會在CBS.log 裡寫入大筆資訊的大多是Windows update patch 安裝失敗的訊息。 造成C槽空間用盡 ...

CBS.log file at 490GB (and is still growing) : rbuildapc

CBS.log is a log of most component based servicing actions (think Windows Update) that Windows performs. If it keeps growing to a point of ...

How to open Windows cbs.log files

Run the SFC command from a elevated command prompt inside Windows 7 first, then create a new sfcdetails.txt report.

Corrupt File C

Option 1 - Do a clean install. It will clean all your disk and install windows. I know, it takes a day as you have to reinstall Windows (and the updates) and ...


I'vefoundthatthisiscausedbylargeComponent-BasedServicinglogs.ThesearestoredatC:-Windows-Logs-CBS.Thecurrentlogfileisnamedcbs.log.,ThereisaknownWindows7logfilecompressionbug.Asaresultofthisbuglogfilesreplicateandgrowfillingupyourharddriveeffectingsystem ...,ThereisaknownWindows7logfilecompressionbug.Asaresultofthisbuglogfilesreplicateandgrowfillingupyourharddriveeffectingsystem ...,Theimageshow...